Sunday, September 27, 2020
Another Weird Pairing
The Titans Titans went to the future where Tim Drake is kissed by a blonde Batwoman...who's not Stephanie Brown but rather...
Writers' Block: Geoff Johns writing vs. Jason's time on the Teen Titans
I was less than impressed with Johns writing on Three Jokers. I liked him on Booster Gold although he still had some flaws. I'm taking a look back at his first attempt to write Jason Todd in Teen Titans #29 and how that fits with the characters' past with the team.
Saturday, September 26, 2020
Thursday, September 24, 2020
Three Jokers #1
I've been going back and forth a lot on whether or not to get this comic. I've seen mixed reactions before deciding to see for myself.
Tuesday, September 15, 2020
Got the Booster Gold: Future Lost
After computer frustrations and mailing woes I got this in the mail on Saturday. I was a little disappointed that there wasn't more costume designs or other unseen sketches in the back. Still it's nice to finally have this. I also got a book I've been on the fence about getting and am dreading a little. But at least I have some Booster Gold goodness.
Sunday, September 13, 2020
Deathstroke talks to Gar Logan
I've been reading the New Teen Titans trades and finally caught up on the whole original story of Terra. But it was the talk Slade Wilson had with Gar Logan that I was looking forward to the most.