Saturday, November 13, 2021

Reading List 2021

After being disappointed by comics in general I barely picked out any books this year. I'm expecting some through the mail like Nubia and Task Force Z but they still haven't shipped yet. I got Blue and Gold but haven't gotten around to reading more than a page though I'm thrilled Jurgens brought back a character. 

I doubt I'll have enough comics to do a best and worst of list so I might just do reviews depending on how busy I am. Other than Blue and Gold I'm not really expecting much.

Thursday, August 19, 2021

Bad Batch Season 1

I love Star Wars Rebels, Clone Wars and the Mandalorian. Bad Batch doesn't come out as strong and I think I see why.


Thursday, July 15, 2021

Confusion over the Loki ending

I've seen this debated over so this is my two cents.


Thursday, June 24, 2021

Some Loki Thoughts

I could literally go into essays on the themes of this show but I've heavily involved in a project that's really time consuming right now. Regardless I do have some thoughts.


Tuesday, June 8, 2021

Pictures of Unmasked Red Hood

It looks passable. If I could ever find these exclusives I'd get it when it comes out. Three Jokers will also have actions figures for the Jokers and the protagonists but I would have been fine with them not getting figures. Really getting figures of all the Robins as Robins would have been amazing. Though I'd want Jason to have his New 52 Robin costume, its such an improvement over the other one and people wouldn't confuse him with Dick.

Thursday, May 6, 2021

Blue and Gold

I almost didn't preorder this series because I thought King was writing it. I would have preferred a Time Masters series but it's still an improvement over HIC.

Wednesday, April 28, 2021

This became relevant again

Honestly DC get some new, better written ideas that don't reduce your characters. 

Tuesday, March 30, 2021

Batman Urban Legends #1

So this series is supposed to start a new direction for Red Hood. Can't say I'm excited since there have already been so many broken promises and false starts. But I'd be lying if I said wasn't a little excited about this series.


Saturday, March 27, 2021

Truth and Justice # 4 (12 online) Spoilers

 I'm not buying the last issue/pages online but I saw a spoiler I wanted to talk about. I'm mostly going to talk about another writer using this plot and talk about why it doesn't work.

Thursday, March 25, 2021

I haven't liked a single panel I've seen

My new comics haven't come in yet so I've been looking at posted panels from the newest "definitely the future" DC issues. Maybe some of them are good but I hate everything I've seen so far. So I'm not holding onto a lot of faith for the future of DC Comics.

Sunday, March 21, 2021

Stuck at home

 I got a surprise message from work.

A year of Comics in 2020

This was delayed a lot longer than I planned.

There wasn't a lot of stand outs this year and honestly it has me seriously reconsidering my pull list. I did plan on dropping all comics in 2021 but I have a few things to read coming up. Though I might shift to Star Wars comics and/or Manga entirely depending on what direction DC is headed. I'm not buying any of their events so I'm already saving some money.

This will be different from previous years. 

Friday, January 1, 2021

I still plan on doing the best/worst list

But it might take me a few days to get it done because of work.