I think this first volume was stronger than the second but still enjoyable.
One of the most fascinating things about the first arc of Batwing is the group called the Kingdom. What's disappointing is that it's never explored as thoroughly as it should have been. In the first trade there was a mystery on what dark secret they had that made Massacre and others claim they deserve their fate. The reason isn't as bad as I was expecting, in order to save the lives of their army they let the leader of the warlords go and never brought him up on charges because of their deal. It's harsh but I can understand their reasoning. I'm not sure why the man behind Massacres' actions would want them all dead since not all the members agreed with the arrangement.
Massacre is Davids' brother but he never gets the chance to reveal is ID. nor find him after the fight. Winick loves pulling on the emotional strings then ending it all with an explosion, doesn't he? The main bat family show up and I have to say Winick did a better job of writing Dick and Barbara than most writers have in the new 52. Dick is witting and works well with David. Barbara actually knows how to us a computer for more than google and it makes it possible to believe she was Oracle at one point.
I enjoy reading about David and the people in his life especially Matu. The sudden death of every member in Matus' family came out of no where (I'm pretty sure they weren't even mentioned prior to this) and the story that comes out of it seems kinda pointless. At least as far as his own emotions go since Matu still feels the same as he did before they died, that David is his true family. The ideas that come from the unexplored super heroes/villains of Africa offers a lot of fun that like the Kingdom doesn't get the attention it should. The NOTO tie in was okay but nothing that really stands out besides Davids' problems with the party they attend.
I do enjoy seeing Davids' history and how he choses to deal with his pain. Three other bat characters come to mind: Kate, Cass and Jason. They all do different things and see the bat symbol in different ways. David finds his own path too. Choosing the highly frustrating option of becoming a police officer in a corrupt system and fighting as a masked man at night. The reason he doesn't kill also differs from the others since the warlord he used to work for used to say that by killing they honored their foes with blood. He doesn't want to honor them just see them pay for their crimes.
I've been wondering if I should keep reading since David was replaced but I might give it a try. David is awesome but I like the Foxes too. Hopefully Tam will show up.
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