The only way to save Bizarro is Lex Luthor...I got a bad feeling about this.
One thing that I always enjoyed about Lobdell's writing is how he's willing to do expected things and isn't afraid of doing cute stuff. Cute in this issue being Bizarro's "memories" from Superman done in a stylized doll art.d I'm trying to decode the Kryptonian writing but so far it doesn't fit any I can find online. It definitely doesn't look like the code used for the Black Mask/Bizarro mind link. Lobdell handles the adorable Bizarro section going into the basic tragic natural of Bizarro really well.
I don't get why there's a missing scene as Jason and Artemis were attacked by Lex last issue and he took Bizarro. Now their waiting on his balcony wondering if they had a choice in letting Lex take care of Bizarro. Did they just go to his building. Naturally Lex has to be the biggest jackass in the world by stating that Bizarro is owned by him. As expected Jason doesn't like that Bizarro is referred to as a thing. It seems Lex only stepped out to toot his own horn leaving Jason to feel like he put too much pressure on Bizarro. Artemis tells him their teammate is his own person, a vast difference from her gut reaction in the first arc when she thought he was a monster.
We see more of the team's bond. Bizarro's memories, Jason/Artemis bonding and even Lex getting a tender moment. Then we see Bizarro is now a genius which is just weird. Of course this was ruined in the solicits.
Overall: Lex Luthor is the biggest arrogant ass when he's around Artemis and Jason. While Lex is currently attempting to be on the side of angels it's clear he still has his ego intact. He can save Bizarro, he misses his Bizarro but Lex will still uses this to hold the fact that they owe him over their heads.
Some good insight on Bizarro's mind and how his strange thoughts almost drove him crazy. They messed up Black Mask because they were so bizarre. He doesn't know if it's because of the way he born or because he spent so long in a tube. In the first arc I thought he was hearing words for the first time when Jason met him. Nope, the first thing he hears is Lex, his "God", say Bizarro is a failure and should die. When he's "born" Jason's what he sees first and his impression of him is such a beautiful moment. It differs so much from Lex as Jason talks to him, reaches out and touches Bizarro. He's treated like a person and not a thing.
Jason's disillusionment with being part of the Bat family isn't something new. I remember hearing some talk of "Lobdell ruining Jason's connection to the family" before I got this. I had no idea where these comments were coming from. Look, Jason has low self-esteem and honestly besides Tim who else has made the effort to be there for him? No one else calls him except for mission related stuff. In many cameos he's had they've berated him or treated him like crap. His friends have been more like a family than the others. That doesn't mean Lobdell is demeaning them or saying they don't care. This is Jason's POV and thus far none of them have go out of their way for him.
But hey maybe that will become a focus with the Nightwing appearance in the annual. I might write more on this at some point along with pieces dissecting the relationships of Outlaws. There's a lot of essay material in this issue on the characters themselves.
Artemis acted like she didn't care about Bizarro but she actually taught him the English alphabet. From there he learned to speak and express himself. This was before he even had a chance to see her. From Artemis he learns what the color red is which is naturally is why he referred to them as Red Him and Red Her. This is a nice bit of characterization for Artemis showing she wasn't quite so cold hearted. It might seem like odd given how she scoffs at Jason's desire to bond with him. Like I said I have meta material to go over. Even if she was only doing it to keep herself from being bored I like this is how he learns.
She wanted to become an idea, a hero and never tried to be herself until Bizarro (I'd argue Jason too.) Artemis learned from him too. I love the closer look into how Artemis ticks and showing that she's still reeling from the loss of Akila. Jason's mention of mourning and moving on with the shot of him watching Batman and Tim is just as heartbreaking.
It's pretty bold for Jason to ask (in a round about way) if he's the third person in Artemis' heart. Romantic notions or not (unclear if that's the direction, again I'll expand on this in another entry) Jason doesn't always put himself out there. He has to be pretty comfortable with the person to do that and her reaction is equally cute. I love that Bizarro knows their be okay if they have each other.
Lex recalls the other Bizarro he bonded with before realizing it's not the same one. While he gets his humanizing moments even he admits he never does anything out of kindness. I gotta say smarter Bizarro reminds me of Beast from X-Men. This was a great character focused issue. I have my doubts about Bizarro staying smart but it should be a great story regardless.
Say What?: Jason says that Batman trusts Lex Luthor when Bruce last told Jason that he trusts Jason a hell of a lot more than Luthor. Jason has previously questioned how legit Luthor is when he talked to Black Mask.
"Normallo"? That's cute.
Bizarro has officially replaced Roy as the person Jason feels closest too. Which makes sense given how much of himself Jason sees in Bizarro. Yes I get the bit where he says he knee Roy before died but does that mean they were actually friends when he was Tobin?
Is Jason bringing up the fact he died for the first time? In such a causal way? Like Artemis finding out Jason's name off panel I'm disappointed there's not more to it. Given Akila coming back from the dead and Artemis' distress over it (particularly the alone in her grave part) I'd thought it'd be more emotional.
Jason acknowledges that he doesn't make guy friends is something a lot of fans have already noticed.
Jason's retort to Artemis quote about two people meeting being a miracle is very touching.
Artemis claims she's only ever let three people into her heart. Akila (who just died), Bizarro (who's dying) and presumably Jason. Or Rason Rodd.
Okay I got a laugh out of Jason thinking something was wrong because Lex wasn't smiling and Lex saying he was.
Questions Raised?: How the hell do you trademark a clone ? Yes Lex could be saying this stuff to pretend he's not emotionally invested but I can't help thinking about this stuff.
Jason's been a orphan as long as he remembers or Artemis? Because Jason clearly remembered his parents and Artemis mentioned her mother.
So does this mean if Jason had shot Bizarro he could have healed him?
Can you give legal custody to Outlaws? Or does it say Jason Todd owns a Superman clone?
Did you notice?: Bizarro wearing a Red Hood shirt. Does Jason have some causal wear with his symbol or does he get them custom made? Simon Amal wore one too when he borrowed clothes.
A hamburger and fries, much like the meal Jason shared with Batman. Once again food relates to bonding moments.
Artemis is wearing the same outfit in the fountain flashback as she does in the circled photo on the bullet holed suit man's wall.
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