I realized I didn't update this previous write up. Since then some things have been changed and been expanded on. This is how the two actually met.
As it turns out Jason met Roy earlier than the story Tynion wrote. (*1) Lobdell shows Jason as Robin meeting Roy as Speedy. Jason is much more upbeat and open than he would have been towards the end of his Robin days making it feel more genuine. They end up saving each other and having a much more lighthearted team up.
We learn at the end of Red Hood/Arsenal that Jason pretended to be more against the business idea of Roy's than he really was. The idea of making a profit off of helping people didn't really appeal to Jason. But the idea of being a parter with Roy however has been around since their very first meeting. The fact that Jason still wanted to be partners really speaks of the impact Roy has made on his life.
Over the course of Lobdell's runs with Jason it's been clear that his days as Robin were lonely. He didn't really have friends and he had to live in the shadow of the previous Robin. What really sets Roy apart from other people Jason has met at this time is how he reacts to meeting a new boy wonder.
Roy mentions the previous Robin and says Jason's definitely not him. Teamwork is discussed and they manage to work together well. They introduce themselves by their real first names. Roy is pretty direct about not seeing Jason as Robin but rather than it coming off as rude it's oddly sweet. Simply because Roy suggests another title for Jason, we see the actual origin for the nickname Jaybird. It's a combination of Jason's real name (*2) and a nod to being Robin with the bird part. By doing this Roy is acknowledging Jason as his own person without the burden of his legacy status.
This makes his use of the nickname years later when Jason is Red Hood all the more meaningful. We don't see Roy use Jaybird until the two of them are in a bar looking for the Untitled in RHATO #4 Vol. 1. Before that Roy didn't know what to think of Jason. He still has a lot to learn about him but we also see Roy's narration where he realizes Jason is honestly trying to do the right thing. That happens right after Jason beats up three men and he's reminded of Killer Croc telling him to stay away from people who attract trouble. Which isn't what Roy thinks Jason is about, he finally sees that people misunderstood Jason.
Roy gives a serious response when the bartender says Jason's cut off. She meant she wasn't giving him anything to drink after he attacked the men and Roy means it in an unhealthy emotional way. Even still he does directly question why Jason acted that way.
Roy Harper: Um, Jaybird, what happened to "don't call any attention to ourselves"?
Jason Todd: I'm improving. And choose between "Jaybird" and your trachea. You can't have both.
He's acknowledging he sees the same kid that was Robin but also expressing concern. Jason threatens Roy for the nickname trying to ignore the past. It's the only time he ever does and Roy doesn't take it seriously as he continues using Jaybird. Roy sees it for what it is, an attempt at pushing him away.
Later on when Jason decides to talk to the Untitled cop alone Roy even complains about being treated like a kid and compares that to his partnership with Ollie.
*1 I wasn't a fan of Tynion saying Roy didn't meet Jason until he was an addict on the same night Jason decided to go after his mom leading to his death. Lobdell had previously had Jason benched on monitor duty during that time.
*2 It's becoming more common now but using Jay as a nickname was first used in Pre-Crisis, not so much post-Crisis.
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