Supersons of Tomorrow Part One. The crossover event with a villainous future version Tim Drake who's also Batman.
It's amazing how well this flowed without the typical Wayne posturing I hate that Tomasi usually puts in. But that likely has to do with the fact this is co-written by Gleason. To sum up Tim has decided to take out Jon and to do this he takes down Bruce and Clark first. The fights are good even if the art in the Bruce fight is a little confusing near the end with the sequencing. Bruce picks up a tv to throw then Tim is ripping off the grandfather clock.
I will say I thought it was beyond corny when Bruce stopped after Tim aimed a gun at him just to lecture. Tim was trapped and if he moved Bruce could avoid being shot. Alfred and Jason use guns so I don't see why that would still him or disgust him enough to act like that. If Tim surprised Bruce by suddenly shooting him before Bruce knew about the gun I'd buy it. I'm calling B.S. on this fight.
The Superman one at least has Tim outsmart Clark which makes more sense. Still I already like this a whole lot more than what I've seen of the DET. stuff with this Tim. This was a decent read that at least makes me see how challenging Tim is as a foe without making others look completely incompetent. I enjoyed the Conner mention although I'm not sure why Tim is doing this as it's implied that he's not from this timeline's future. So why bother?
This was an enjoyable read regardless.
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