The epilogue of the crossover.
The Titans of Tomorrow go home and for some reason no one recognizes them. Superman worries about Jon hanging out with Damian. This makes Damian promise to look after Jon. The Titans hold a meeting to decide what to do as future Tim was easily able to split them up. Damian doesn't get why that's dire and has a vote for Jon joining them. He's the only one so says yes as everyone else thinks it's a bad time to get new members when their still having problems. The story ends with Damian comforting Jon.
Overall: The crossover had it's flaws, I wouldn't say it was anything incredible. Still it was okay and miles beyond other crossovers I read in the past few years like Lazarus Contract. It's amazing how better the story flows than those other crossovers. Yes there are only two writers but it makes such a difference to not have characters change motivations and all those other inconsistencies like in Robins War.
Future Tim...I don't know what to think of him in the end. He's supposed to be losing his mind then we're supposed to think his actions--which are just a short term solution--were heroic? I wasn't too impressed with him and there were some wasted opportunities that were barely touched. His teammates from his time don't really deal with him or seem all that upset that he's gone/lost. Damian's conflict and the fact this Tim killed a version of him aren't really important which seems odd.
The Titans of Tomorrow seem to be in this just as a nod and tease to the fans. For some reason no one knows who they are. How does that work? I have no idea. Conner says Clark hasn't met him yet but Bizarro mentions the New 52 version in RHATO. Gar recognizes Cassie but can't place who she is. Why not? She was on his team before Damian brought him onto the new TT team he made.
I can understand Raven feeling upset that a version of her friend just sacrificed himself and NU Wally acting like nothing happened. But Tim isn't dead and destroying Kid Flash's phone is just as immature. Raven claims it'd compromise the None of them remember who the other Titans are. Even if they knew all it would tell them is who become Superman, Wonder Woman and Flash in a different future. Kid Flash even points out the picture still exists in his cloud.
Who took care of Bruce if Alfred didn't? Tim?
I'm not a fan of what I've seen of the Future Tim plot in DET but it reads awkwardly to have Clark suddenly concerned over Damian being around Jon. Bruce apparently informed Clark of this off panel and it's only a factor after Tim tries to kill Jon and Damian tries to save him? If I didn't know Future Damian had gone after Jon in Tim's time I wouldn't know what Clark was talking about. As nice as it is to see Damian being respectful to Clark and protective of Jon it could have been eased into better. I know the Clark thing happened awhile back but Damian has been horrible to Jon so this attitude feels like it came out of no where even with Tim trying to kill Jon.
Maybe Jon could have freaked out during Damian's attempt to take control of the situation and it makes him realize that Jon is just a little kid. Something he didn't get in the past even with Jon getting upset about seeing dead bodies for the first time. If writers could keep Damian from being an ass to Jon and make him act better around his family I'd be more impressed. Sadly I don't think this will last.
This issue also adds another mark to the column about Damian being an unfit leader as he doesn't comprehend the trouble within his team. Starfire tells him what's wrong before they have the meeting yet he asks to have Jon join instead of addressing it. Only to realize that no one agrees because they all know their fracture is a serious problem. I briefly wondered if they were afraid of Jon's power which isn't mentioned. As good as it is to know their not scared of him it's an important issue everyone just forgets about.
Bruce's appearance is strange, he arrives just to say he wants a report of the events from Damian then stays around while they vote? Oookay.
Are there any consequences besides the team dealing with being split up? Not any big ones. Raven was more upset about what happened to Tim than his team. Jon still isn't on the team and Damian might be nicer to him now. For some reason no one worries about Jon's powers anymore or Tim coming back to kill him. A decent read although I don't know what was really accomplished.
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