What role will the Titans of Tomorrow have?
Future Tim realized he screwed up because he didn't take into account how an emotionally charged ten year old might lose control of his powers when someone tries to kill him. This could have cost the TT their lives and damages his cloaking device. Now the Titans of Tomorrow will be able to find him. Tim uses prototype Titan uniforms to forge a new identity.
Damian saves Jon and they try to figure out what to do. The future Titans try to find Tim worrying about the state of his mind. Tim talks to the TT but their not down for killing Jon. They get a reluctant Tim to agree to their terms. Only Raven and Gar agree to help Tim. Once they leave Aqualad thinks he can track Superboy in the water.
Overall: I know Tim never wanted to be Batman and he's trying to hide under a new guise. It just seems wrong that he'd drop it so fast given his "someone needs to be Batman" attitude. He murdered his Damian for it when Damian wasn't doing a good enough job. It doesn't even stop his Titans from finding him. The Savior look seems like a knockoff Midnighter costume and the arrogance of using that for his name is unbelievable. This Tim is supposed to be dark but it just looks like he's trying too hard. Am I supposed to see him as crossing the line because he uses guns? Jason uses guns and looks better.
Jon switched from "I need to get away from people to prevent myself from accidentally hurting them" to "I want to meet this head-on" and back pretty fast. Yes Damian just said it wasn't Jon's fault since he was pushed but Jon doesn't know if he won't be pushed into it again. The dialogue doesn't flow right in any of this. Jon then makes the leap to Damian being twisted up as he followed Tim as a Robin and leader. I mean it's nice that Damian is shaken up dealing with Tim but it's not like Tim was the only Robin that fits that description. He's not that close to him which uncuts the way it's written.
I do appreciate Tim trying to appeal to them in a more reasonable manner but the dialogue is so chunky. Talking about his new uniform and codename. Aqualad points out how full of it Tim is since he's the one that pushed Jon into losing control. I will say Tim does make a valid point that anyone could have done that and I love how the TT still aren't buying into his line of thinking.
I do love the touch that Raven and Gar are blinded by their trust of their Tim. Starfire refusing to let anyone hurt the boys and wants to give them time really makes me wish she was in command.
It's good to see Damian FINALLY making the effort to be nice to someone that's not Alfred, his dad or Dick. I haven't seen that since he helped Maps out in Gotham Academy. This wasn't that great of an issue but I will say that at least these crossover issues seem to have better continuity than the bat line crossovers. Seriously I'm amazed that as far they are pretty tightly plotted. There were some nice character moments although most of this was distracting because of the dialogue.
I have no idea why the Titans of Tomorrow mess with time travel or how Tim messed himself up so bad. With luck this will be explained later on.
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