Some stories made a lot of fans angry like Identity Crisis and Countdown. I bring these two examples up since their related to one story thread in this event.
This thread is about James Jesse the first Trickster who gets a spotlight on his abilities as a con artist. The demon Neron has decided to make deals to collect souls. Ironically he creates his own eventual downfall by tricking five of the Rogues into dying. This changes the way Trickster thinks about his life. All of this is really about Neron gaining the purest soul he can by misleading the heroes allowing them to act rashly.
Villains are lured in, along with a few heroes with his deals. Some of which led to some big character changes like Blockbuster. Blue Devil is the one that's most emotional and sadly it's a plot that wouldn't be touched on until Kid Devil/Red Devil joined the Teen Titans. Lex Luthor and Joker have one of the best moments I've ever seen between them when they direct other villains in taking power for themselves. I questioned them working together but I think the pay off is worth it.
Trickster sticks around out of curiosity and Neron decides he can use Trickster whether he makes a deal or not. Trickster manages to show just how smart he is and after this event decides to help the good guys to keep himself from being sent to Neron when he dies. Which makes the other events I mentioned so frustrating for fans since his development is given up for no good reason.
There's some good character moments along with some entertaining scenes. I don't regret getting this story especially since it gives focus to different characters than the usual cast.
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