This series is hard to get through. Not just because of the portrayals and story. It's honestly kind of boring.
Clark quickly puts out the fire in Kansas and was apparently the only one that tried. He is met with zero resistance since the ones responsible don't even appear to be there. Despite news of the attacks have been reporting for awhile people in Kansas aren't aware of it until their fire and one of them thinks to turn on the news. I love that it goes into the effort of explaining how someone can hook up a portable tv into their car but the simplest solution of turning on the radio doesn't occur to them. The series is notorious for not having a good idea how much time passes but this feels ridiculous. The CAPITAL was attacked by Wonder Woman's people! That would be a huge story by the time the fire happened !
Forget the fact that they don't know what's going on for a second. One of these guys somehow doesn't know who Wonder Woman's mom is. She's Hippolyta, Queen of the Amazons and the previous Wonder Woman during World War 2 that was part of the JSA. Martha Kent does of course but it's odd that Poly isn't well known.
The news goes on about all these horrible tragedies happened in passing. But how do they know any of it is connected to the Amazons? Aren't the people in the DCU used to things like this? Hippolyta talks to the American people about her demands. First it was to free Diana from the government. We've seen Diana around--briefly--in this mini so far. What happened? Well you have to read about it in another series even though that's the reason Poly started this whole war. But now she's using another reason, not sure what yet since nothing she says makes sense. She wants complete surrender in one day (which will be changed to one week in another issue.)
Why? Who knows as neither Artemis or Phillipus understand what the hell is going on. They stand off to the side fretting and doing nothing while Poly decapitated the camera man just to prove to the readers that she's not stable. Because they've been so subtle about it up to this point. Artemis of all people asks what they should do. The same Artemis that previously fought Poly, called her out on her bullshit and told her that she expected Poly to have learned something from her time as Wonder Woman. Also Artemis would never call Poly their beloved leader. I can't stress that their out of character action enough.
The president proposes to enact the McCarran act to arrest suspicious individuals, having camps, etc. I don't think I have to point out all the problems with this but let me ask this: is he suggesting all women get rounded up? Because I'm not sure how he'd figure out who were Amazons unless they attacked him. I guess it's "all women they guess are Amazons" since they arrest a women's shelter for no solid reason. When questioned about this action the president states that it was needed to protect the people. Yeah, Americans that were previously targeted. Whether or not that's the same women's shelter the news mentioned it's still only chosen because of the gender involved.
Superman and Batman take out some Amazons talking pointlessly about how they don't kill. Which they should know by now. Later on Batman talks to an unconscious Nemesis wondering if he knew this was going to happen. Why would he know? Yes he has contacts but he didn't have a means to stop it. And leaving a dying man on the floor while you monologue is pretty crappy, Bruce.
This is the infamous Bees section and I still don't know how to read his dialogue. Is he horrified? I can also say I've never heard of this deadly bee weapon in the Wonder Woman lore I've read. Batman thinks Nemesis is going to die since no one can be spared to get an antidote until Diana shows up. The B.S. to build Nemesis up is really hard to buy. Diana claims that these hornets (it's what she calls them) can tear Amazons apart and leave them begging for death. Despite "all that stamina" he has (yes really) Diana also decides Nemesis is going to die. Because she doesn't have time to save him if she's going to stop the war by slaying her mother. Yes, because Diana has never risked everything for one person and wouldn't try to save her mother first.
Poly speaks to no one to unnaturally explain to the audience that none of her allies except her army are really on her side. She gets told that she has visitors: Wonder Girl (Cassie) and Supergirl.
Star City is attacked and for some reason Batman thinks Green Arrow wouldn't be aware of it.
Philipus and Artemis are supposed to be generals right? Why are they just hanging around talking about how wrong this war is? As generals aren't they supposed to take part in the war? Yet Philipus asks Artemis if she's heard about an attack like they wouldn't be in on that knowledge beforehand? I know why their like this from a certain point of view even if it make no sense. It's so their not seen as bloodthirsty killers like Poly is being painted but still guilty enough because they do nothing. If they did act like themselves and confront Poly they couldn't win. Because there's no story if they did. Poly wouldn't capture them because she kills anyone for the smallest of excuses. If she killed them we can't forgive her even if she is under Circe's vague spell.
Artemis points out that they wage war by attacking leaders not innocents. Philipus agrees then says she's sending out a detachment to get leaders. Artemis hints that Poly is the dangerous leader they need to stop. Philipus agrees and states they need to handle it themselves.
Ollie sends Batman information on a high tech bomb. Something I've been waiting talk about since I began this series. But don't worry, I'll get to it in due time. Not in this review though.
It's fascinating that I'm not sure if the presidents' aide is exaggerating or things are worse than we've seen. For all I know he's right but the book makes it hard to tell. Some things might have happened in other titles. Others might have been more disastrous than I assumed. The man also sums up the Nemesis side plots while making the super weapon seem more scary than insects.
Since both Supergirl and Wonder Girl were written in manners that dumbed them down during this period their on the Amazon side. Cassie tells them to land the plane or they'd make them. Nevermind the fact they probably couldn't hear what she said this makes no sense. Not that they gave it a second of thought. Much like this plot that has everyone either taking insane extremes or doing nothing. As funny as the bees part is I found it unintentionally funny that Batman and Wonder Woman are both willing to let him die. Mostly because Diana arrives like she's going to be the one to save him but nope.
Because so much happened off in another series it seems like Diana isn't doing anything compared to nearly everyone else. Poly is a raving lunatic that somehow was able to talk the Kara and Cassie into helping her making them seem incredibly dim. The Generals have literally done nothing but talk about how awful Poly is. Nemesis' plots have gotten more ridiculous by the issue because so much is missing from the mini. He could be a member of the LOSH in the next one and it wouldn't seem out of place with the pacing of his story.
Batman and many of the heroes should be at a disadvantage due to certain factors. The Amazons having such a long lifetime of experience. The creatures many heroes aren't familiar with. Magic which some like Superman are vulnerable to. The technology--which their get to and I'll talk about. As Artemis says their not fighting smart. Poly could have won this already if she was making the end goal seem even dumber.
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