There's a lot of stuff to go over with the review, a character study and the Booster Gold news. But let's start with this one.
As of #23 we know what was in the letters. We know Bizarro was trying to keep Jason from reading those letters going as far as to imprison Ma Gunn to prevent it. Why?
Willis mainly tells Jason things he already knows: How he used to sell drugs, meeting his mom, her leaving home to be with Willis, etc. Up until the fifth letter the only new information Jason got was how much his father loves him and what Willis said after he was born.
Would that upset Jason? Sure but probably not to the extent Bizarro is trying to prevent it.
Then Willis talks about Jason being sick, turning to crime and Penguin setting him up to be a fall guy. I could definitely see Bizzarro worrying that Jason would kill Penguin and end their team via Batman. But here's where things get odd.
Bizarro invited Creeper to be a new member. He claims he didn't know Artemis had a history with Creeper. It seems odd that he'd invite Creeper, who knows about Hierve El Agua. Willis didn't mention where he was going in the last letter but Bizarro could have figured it out. Was it just a coincidence ? Because things will go badly once Jason connects the dots. It's possible that Bizarro wasn't thinking clearly at the time so maybe it was a mix up? But is the fact that Artemis potentially killed Jason's father what Bizarro was trying to hide from Jason?
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