I forgot that this was the epilogue for Flash War.
Despite previous issues I was worried about this one. I have heard bad things about HIC and I wasn't looking forward to seeing why Wally was headed there. Fortunately the characterization wasn't a train wreck like Booster's. But before I get into that I wanted to talk about the other WW, Kid Flash. He gets a little more of a build up for why he's mad at Barry and working more with Damian. It's funny because I seriously thought about whether or not the series would address the fact he didn't previously exist yesterday. I didn't think it would.
But Kid Flash noticed he wasn't part of the museum in the future and realized Barry's actions made him exist. I don't know his character well enough to say how I feel about him but I will defend this reaction. It reminds me of Michelle getting upset in Booster Gold over finding out about her original death. People got on her character over it but think about both of these cases. Would you really be happy to know you existed because of someone else's whim? In WW' s case there's probably more but personally I think it's a good reason to at least need space. I don't know why he's moving out without Iris' say. I guess he's staying with the TT?
Back to the original Wally West, this issue mostly stands as a tribute for his fans. I like the nods to the old canon that I'm still catching up with and Iris recalling her book. When she watches others walk by it really tell a story just based on her sad expression. The boy running by himself then a group of runners passing by might be a hint of things to come. At least I hope so.
I loved Iris, this issue alone illustrates why she's such a great character. I even loved Barry going to wait with her when he couldn't catch up with Wally. It showed their helplessness as well as their love for him and each other. Iris always knew Wally had greatness in him and is committed to always being there for him. Wally can't find his kids but still helps people along the way until he goes to Iris and Barry. Going to Sanctuary isn't treated like a bad thing per se although Barry expresses uncertainty and Iris threatens Clark and Diane if anything happens to her nephew. Much as I love them I totally want Iris to make good on that after HIC.
I have issues with the concept of Sanctuary which I see as a very flawed means to handle mental health just based on the information we were given on how it's run. But I'll save further discussion on that subject for another post some where down the line. For now I'll just say that the Sanctuary part which is leading to the HIC event was the only sour note for me but it was handled respectfully. This was mostly a celebration of Wally West as a hero and hopefully Iris' belief that he'll be the greatest hero of all time (cough*Booster*cough) means going to Sanctuary is merely a stop to refresh before going forward. There are rumors of course but this issue at least gives me the same hope I got from his return at the start of Rebirth.
Questions Raised?: Where the hell is Bart? It's been a week or so since he was freed by the end of the comic. I know he has a short attention span but I thought he'd want to visit his family or say thanks to Wally for saving him. It might help him to know his efforts did in fact save someone.
Besides Atom how many time travels does Barry know that don't use the speed force? No one was supposed to know about Booster outside of Bruce and maybe Dick/bat family.
Say What?: When Renegade Cold said Wally was his favorite I immediately felt more affectionate towards him. It was sweet.
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