The long wait is finally over ! The main event of this issue was known about for months because of solicits. We even know details that will happen afterwards thanks to solicits but we have to see how that journey happens. Batman is confronting Jason which means there's a big fight ahead.
There's something truly amazing about the flashback with Robin Jason saving Batman. Alfred gets him to come to consciousness but Jason instinctively knows what to do and works quickly to accomplish it. All the while Alfred is talking none stop to instruct him on what to do even through he's several steps behind. Lobdell is one of the few writers I've seen who doesn't write Alfred like he's perfect. There's also the iconic words he chooses to say, the line about Jason being no use to him dead bit. It's nicely handled, shows Jason was a capable Robin and even when he's telling Alfred to shut up he's being respectful. That's pretty awesome.
The moment where Bruce tells Jason if he ever leaves it will be Jason's choice not his is heartbreaking. Not just because of this issue either, Jason "leaves" after Joker murders him in DITF.
Jason using the stealth Bizarro installed is the kind of thing I wish was applied more. It was set up and used before but this is the first time it's been used when he's actually in danger. I was going to speculate why it was still working when all of Bizarro's tech is failing (like their base and Artemis' jetpack) but it malfunctions too. And at the worst possible time. I'm curious what Jason would have done if debris from his headquarters weren't falling onto the cops. Would he have injured them? It looks like it.
Artemis tries to order Chairzarro again to keep their HQ from crashing. He still can't and explains everything was wired through Bizarro's brain. I love Bizarro's "that am stupid" response because that was a choice his smarter self made. I've been questioning why he'd do that for awhile especially when he knew his mental state wasn't entirely stable and would reverse when he stopped taking kryptonite. Maybe he was too far gone to consider changing it?
Artemis rages and Bizarro wondering if she's mad at him which ends up showing how far she's come from the start of the series. She's more compassionate and is more bothered by not trusting her instincts.
Just when Jason is ready to jump in an attempt to reach his falling HQ Batman arrives. It's a callback to UTH when Jason was taught to cut the line before it goes taunt. He can't really do that here and not just because his hands are full with guns. If he cuts the line he'd plummet to his death or be at Batman's mercy. Bruce saw the perfect opening to get Jason and took it. The brutal way Bruce starts the confrontation made me wince. Jason calls him out on it looking a little amused that he's getting such a treatment and never saw Joker being hit like that. As usual Jason is spot on and gets under Bruce's skin more than any other bat kid.
Honestly the way Batman deals with Jason hurts, it's just awful. So much so that I got choked up by Bizarro's sudden appearance. I keep thinking what that must feel for them. How protective and loyal he is towards Jason, how much Jason needs that and how horrible it must be to see Batman treating Jason like that. Jason isn't even fighting back yet Bruce kept hitting him until Bizarro arrived. This issue is getting me all emotional and the loving Outlaws hug isn't helping. It's definitely welcomed but I don't want to start crying. The banter between Artemis and Jason does help a little.
Bizarro figures out a way to save Gotham by using his door. Jason wants them to go after him but Artemis decides she's going to go not him. She tells Jason someday he'll understand how much he suffered because of her and how much she owes him. Jason tries to reason with her but is cut off when she kisses him. Gotta love Jason's "finally" and the teasing between them. With all the sadness it's one of the sweet and tender moments Jason needs.
I'm caught between crying when Jason witnesses his friends and base disappear and laughing when he asks if Batman is behind him. This is the absolute worst day he's had in a long time. The transition in this issue is well down as nothing feels out of place. Even Jason launching into attack right after feels smooth. He just wants to get it over with. But being the ass he is Bruce doesn't deal with Jason losing everything he just cares about his branding. Ripping off the bat symbol as if that's all that matters. I've seen a lot of truly horrible things Bruce has done to his family. None of them been as horrendous as him knocking Jason out, ripping off the bat symbol and drawing him by his broken helmet while leaving trails of Jason's blood.
...I admit I couldn't hold back the tears once Roy saved Jason. That's why Roy will always be the person I think of as Jason's best friend. Roy was damn smart about how he proceeded too. He likely saw what happened on the news and knew what would happen. Unlike the bat family Roy didn't wait to hear orders he went to protect his buddy because he knew damn well that Bruce would pull this crap. People tend to forget how bad things could get between Dick and Bruce. Roy has heard about Bruce's behavior from two different bat kids. So he played smart throwing out a distraction with the red gas then shooting the tazer arrow when Batman reached for his belt pouch.
Saying I was surprised when I saw the back up is an understatement. I read this digitally through the guided view and shut off the tablet once Roy carried Jason off. I only realized there was more when someone online mentioned the Ma Gunn twist. I don't know what to make of the comic she's reading which is different from the other canon RHATO comics she has. It's different from the fantasy show Bizarro watched. Jason kills to save Batman and they still regard each other as father and son. I kind of hoped Solitary wasn't Willis but at least we got a better idea about his powers. Ma Gunn is Jason's grandmother? I don't know how to feel about that. I want more of her story and hope this isn't the end for her.
Overall: I don't think this confrontation or the aftermath are nearly as out of the blue as some have previously claimed. Ever since Jason told Bruce his plan and Bruce made his rules there's been built up to it all coming undone. People have warned him in the Suicide Squad crossover. Amanda Waller and Killer Croc both made a point of addressing what the fall out could be. Jason has had doubts with his mission, secrets were kept and he's been shown struggling with what to do.
Jason may not have technically stopped their headquarters from plummeting but his presence made it possible. He calmed the team down and his banter with Artemis gave Bizarro the idea. I love how all three of Jason's friends saved him throughout this issue. Bizarro and Roy stopped/hurt Batman to protect Jason. Artemis tossed him onto the roof to save him from a portal that could kill him or strand him. Really I think the only reason she wasn't written as one of the people saving Jason from Batman was the fact it would piss her off. She would have broken the bat.
Bruce can be a great man but let's be honest, this behavior isn't new for him. Remember when he made Dick go undercover and spent the issue brutally fighting him? How he treated Dick when Jason died? How he's treated Tim? How Tomasi wrote Bruce trying to force Jason to remember his death and resurrection then fought him? As much as we fans wish it wasn't so this is unfortunately part of his character and no matter how often writers try to change that it still remains. Because he keeps doing it.
According to a supposed source online Bruce will be acting awful in other titles too. This is part of a current thread but will probably end the way it always does. With Bruce making promises he can't keep and everyone forgiving him despite him facing no consequences for his actions. I have some hope for RHATO at least but editorial mandates could interfere with this story. I sincerely believe Bruce needs therapy because this is an abusive cycle. Jason is his adopted son and he had no trouble hurting him worse than he does his enemies. He's the one that needs to go to Sanctuary because this is unacceptable behavior.
I saw some suggest Bruce wasn't going to imprison Jason prior to this issue being released. I have to respectfully disagree. He might not have used the words jail or prison but I think his intent was clear. Otherwise I'm not sure where he was taking Jason or what he meant here:
Batman: We had a deal. You could operate in Gotham City--you could stay free--if you didn't kill anyone.
I never knew what direction Lobdell was taking Jason and Artemis. He was against it in interviews but artists hinted at a romantic direction. Of course Lobdell said he didn't want them to lose their banter (which they still have) or make it too easy. Which it won't be since Jason still doesn't know how she connects to his past. Something which Artemis seems to think he'll inevitably discover. Sadly the kiss was spoiled for me before the digital issue came out but it made me happy. It was truly well done.
One of the reasons I was so effected by Roy stopping Batman to save Jason was the first issue I ever read with him. It was done by Devin Grayson where Roy was forced to team up with Batman. Roy had issues with Batman's behavior and while he called him out on it there was a scene where he tells Dick that Batman freaked him out. Back when he was Speedy he tried to tag an apparently occupied dark knight with a (suction cup?) trick arrow when his back was turned. Before the arrow could make contact Bruce turned slightly to catch it. Ever since Roy saw Batman as inhuman. Yet here he is in this canon taking Batman out. This is what a great friend does and I get emotional just thinking about it.
Soy doesn't waste any of his last issue making every emotion shine through. The impact of the fight is so intense and Jason's emotional rollercoaster is impossible to miss. Jason screaming Artemis' name then seeing their base implode and disappear...Soy really packed the punch. I was a little confused when Bizarro showed up and Batman was gone but I can see the wisdom in not wanting it to look too comical. I have been delaying an entry discussing Dexter Soy' s work but I may have to get to it at some point.
Special thanks to the incredible work done by Trevor Hairsine, Ryan Winn, Phil Hester, Ande Parks, Veronica Gandini, Rain Here so, Madpencil Studio, Taylor Esposito, Antonio Fabela, Yasmine Putri, Marie Javins and Rob Levin. You all did exceptional work. Thanks to Scott Lobdell too but I mostly cover his work in my reviews. Lobdell has a talent for tackling emotions in a way few current DC writers can. Even when I think I'm ready for it, like an old spoiled X-Men back issue I once bought, I'm not. Everyone went above and beyond.
Say What?: Madam Artemis not Lady Artemis?
Bizarro's eep when an explosion went off is adorable.
Bruce is really comparing Batwoman to Jason just because she didn't do it in public? I don't see how that's a problem if Jason is supposed to be seen as the bad guy. There are other reasons to be upset. And still no mention of how Kate sent them to Amanda Waller? Or does that not matter to him?
Jason calls Artemis princess and she allows it. At least until she throws him to safety. Nice development but I kind of hope it doesn't stick as a nickname.
Artemis calling him a boy.
Ma Gunn says she's used to the dark. Back at in the first arc Jason commented about being used to the dark because of where he grew up.
Did You Notice?: I know I mentioned this awhile ago but Jason's helmet usually acts as a means to mask his emotion. Once it's broken or off his vulnerability is on full display. Soy has Batman break the front of the helmet off just before he delivers a harsh line about how he never should have believed in Jason.
When Jason's in the middle of the Outlaw hug he looks pained. He's probably surprised but he likely hurts thanks to Batman.
Future art depicts Jason's arm being in a sling. Where did he break it here?
Questions Raised?: Is that supposed to be Jason's favorite Gargoyle? I don't think it is, I remember it being bigger but it'd be a nice touch.
Will we ever see Artemis driving?
Does Artemis know about Jason's dad? How?
What's up with the rest of the bat family? How are they reacting to this?
Where did the comics Ma Gunn reads come from? She claims life doesn't hold many secrets for her and isn't shocked by Willis' change. Is there more to her than we'd think?
his arm looked out of place as bruce started dragging him leaving a bloody trail
ReplyDeleteYeah, that's the only place it'd make sense. It's still fine after he lands from Artemis throw. I'm thinking he landed wrong when Bruce knocks him out.
DeleteI guess if Artemis was ordered to kill Willis, she would know his full name, and was able to piece it together once she got to know Jason on a personal level.
ReplyDeleteMaybe. I got the impression from the flashback that she just killed everyone at the facility and never bothered with the details back then. I've been wondering if Luthor figured it out and rubbed it in her face.