I was expecting this but it doesn't make it any less ridiculous.
SPOILERS AHEAD for Heroes in Crisis.
The solicit for this issue did spell it out for us. Not as many seemed to get upset about her beating up Booster but maybe they weren't familiar enough with his character. Last issue Harley used a knife (one that shouldn't be that sharp if it's for letting customers cut pie in a restaurant) to repeatedly stab Booster. A character that couldn't hit her with his Booster Shots or overpower her with his own fighting abilities. Or use his forcefield, one of his suits' most iconic abilities.
The encounter with the Trinty has been compared to everyone looking like idiots when fighting Deathstroke in Idenity Crisis. Which is an apt comparison since the heroes were nerfed to make Slade look good. The same concept is at play here although I'm reminded a little bit of Amazons Attack when Grace was being used as a hostage. It's a situation that shouldn't be an issue since we've seen the heroes get out of worse.
I've seen some claim Superman was being sarcastic when he says Harley is as good as Batman but I think King is honestly using Clark as his mouth piece. He claimed he's making Harley and Booster into "pillars" for the DCU. King has already used the same trick when he wrote Selina taking out Barry and the Wallys. (Which is funny when you consider how Harley is written because Artemis was able to take Harley down with ease.) He just does what he thinks fits his story regardless if it suits the characters. Given the way he's written them I can only assume he never bothered to research most of them and/or he has no understanding of them.
I have no idea how he plans on making Booster into a "pillar" as he's done nothing positive for the character since he started writing him. Although future solicits have him fighting Superman and/or Wonder Woman hinting at him doing well. But he can't fight the Trinty at once because that would be too much. King has Booster come off so incompetent and stupid I do wonder how he's going to accomplish this. Two issues in Booster has been stabbed by Harley and is being beaten by Flash. He has no sense (causally telling Barry either Harley or him might have killed everyone) and doesn't act anything like himself.
I'm still wondering whether Booster's admission in HiC #2 that his force field wasn't working is supposed to be a clue to the murderer's identity, or if it's King's way of admitting that he simply ignored the power to allow Harley Quinn to do... whatever is was that he wanted her to accomplish in the first issue. (I've never been a big Harley fan, but her behavior and abilities so far in this series is definitely entering Mary Sue territory.)
ReplyDeleteIf this is the spiritual successor to IC the answer is probably nonsensical. Like who couldn't take out the force field? But I'd wager it's likely the latter since you'd think Booster would be able to stop people from dying otherwise.
ReplyDeleteI used to be indifferent to her but with all the Mary Sue stuff, her horrible deeds (killing/torturing kids) being brushed off by the heroes and at times being treated like a hero I've grown to dislike her.