Barry has to tell the family about Wally.
As horrible as Heroes in Crisis is this book is at least tackling the aftermath in a real emotional way. Barry's grief, NuWally refusing to believe it, Godspeed honestly feeling bad for his friends' loss, Bart being oblivious and Iris' all too real reaction to the news felt spot on.
NuWally or Wallance doesn't believe his cousin Wally is dead. We've seen this reaction a lot recently in tie ins for HIC. Donna was in denial that two of her friends are dead and Jason knows from experience (with himself, Damian and Bruce as examples) that resurrections aren't all that impossible. For Wallance it's a little hard to believe that Wally is dead since he already returned from the dead and previously was almost erased out of existence. What makes it worse is that he knows Barry hasn't told Iris yet. I can't say I blame Wallance for being frustrated in general since he does talk about not feeling like he fits in with the TT. It sounds like he lied to his family and is realizing how shady the TT are.
I don't find Barry all that engaging in general but I appreciate highlighting his faults to make him more human. I would have liked to see Iris confront the Trinity (maybe during the crossover with Batman?) but her reaction really felt like the center of this story, at least to me. Barry barely knows how he's going to handle it much less how she will. I think the part where Barry lives in the moment before he tells Iris was really well done. I can't say much about Godspeed since I haven't read any other issues about him. I did enjoy him in this story and the layer of intrigue with his boss. Plus the John Fox gauntlet is a nice nod to another Flash.
The return of Bart really kept this from being a downer issue as he's happy to be home but confused why everything is different. His ignorance to Wallys' fate prevents the tone from shifting but keeps an air of mystery since it's unclear what this means. Wally couldn't regain his old life, he's gone but someone else remembers the old canon. The fight with Godspeed really made me smile because Bart is the only one that could match and (as the unknown mystery boss implies) possibly be better than. Before he leaves we also learn the new Young Justice series is considered canon.
There's a lot of potential that I hope this series lives up to with old DCU history. I think that all things considered this was handled well in this title.
Questions Raised?: Why was Barry holding Wallys' suit? He has a body in HIC. Is he still alive and naked out there?
When can we get the rest of the Speedsters back? Including Jai and Irey?
Did You Notice?: The spots Bart goes to are his old place with Max, Happy Harbor (I believe) and the old Teen Titans "T" headquarters.
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