More information on the All Caste training.
There were a lot of topics I wanted to talk about at length but I finally decided to shelve all of that for now. It would have been a very long review and I think I'll wait a little longer before I get into theories/essays.
I like that Jason was willing to risk his life/after life to save the souls of children. This isn't really focused on too long but it's telling that he decided to do this on his own. He does this seemingly impossible task that isn't required of him and has nothing to do with getting his revenge. In fact it could have stopped him from even returning to Gotham because it was so dangerous.
I'm happy to finally see how Jason won during the cleansing and get more information on the Blades of All. I'm just not sure if I like that so much is retconned. The characterization is different from early RHATO where Ducra was more patient and believed Jason would overcome the dark fury within. Jason also seemed more bothered by the fact he couldn't move past his pain. Wasn't it also revealed that the reason he left was because Essence was kicked out? Is this supposed to be part of the same scene from volume 1? I gotta admit I prefer the old take since it made more sense for her to train Jason if she believed in him.
Now it feels like Ducra is just exasperated with Jason and going through the motions. The other members of the All Caste were some of the best people Jason ever knew now we know there were people that didn't agree with him being trained. Which is a little weird since, as Jason pointed out last issue, one of them ended up working for Penguin. The same member of the All Caste from last issue is around as one of the people that didn't want Jason to be trained. I kind of thought there was another reason for Jason being seen as corrupt not just for wanting revenge.
Jasons' loneliness is apparent in present day and he picked the table with an extra chair for a reason. The glass for Roy is a nice nod to the time Roy explained that he orders one just to test his sobriety. Which was back in Red Hood/Arsenal #2 and I'm always impressed when Lobdell brings back something from earlier on.
As someone that would like to ignore as much of Tynion's run as possible I can't say I'm a fan of Lobdell retconning so much of his own story to fit with what Tynion did. Still excution is everything. At least Lobdell actually explains the All Blades rather than treating magic as the norm when Jason pulls a weapon out of his chest. I keep preparing for the big surprise but I don't think we'll get it until later in the arc. There's something here that's hard to describe at the moment. Maybe it's more than the way that Jason's acting that's weird.
Was Jason's attitude why some saw him as unworthy to train or was it something else? The fact he's human? The children soul stealing monster seemed to imply that Jason was different because he's human. The fact Jason doesn't have as much of his soul has been suggested when he fought Akila. Is that what H.I.V.E. Queen meant about Red Hood knowing something on a deeper level? Wouldn't he suspect the soul part already since he can't use the All Blades for long? If so then what else is wrong?
I was confused last issue if Jason was lying to Isabel. Partly because I figured she'd understand what Miguel was doing when he handed Jason a briefcase in the middle of an attack. But it also seemed unnecessary for him to lie to her since she started things with him before she knew what his life was like. Sure she said she wanted to see him again once he quit the life under Tynion but she hasn't mentioned it like it's a deciding factor. In general it's hard to gage what their relationship is currently like. I don't want to clutter this up explaining how I feel about it. At least this time Lobdell will be able to write the story on his terms. I did feel bad when it was cut short last time.
I will say that I do struggle a bit with getting a proper feel for her character since we don't really know her yet. I don't think she was brought back to be a gold digger like some think but the timing/phrasing was still weird. As much as I don't like Jason using his ID as his front man his scene with the board was badass.
I still don't have much of an impression on Wingman but Jason is relying on him which is odd since he's still basically a blank slate. I figured Miguel would discover Penguin and be against Jason since a future cover has them fighting. I get the feeling what's going on with Jason has to do with why Talia was so terrified of him at the pit. This issue gave me a lot to think about.
Say What?: Is Jason being poetic or literal about the gates of hell? I ask because he's been said to have gone to heaven in a few books.
Ducra didn't send him? Then who put the markings on his chest? Why were they put on and why? Is it supposed to be a seal or something?
What the All Blades are changes a little more. Their not copper swords anymore but the manifestation of a soul. When Jason was in Qurac he could barely use the All Blades in his fight against Akila. This actually helps explains why they always look diferent under different artists since Jason is creating them.
Jason's talk about hanging Joker and Batmans' heads on pikes seems...a little off. This is supposed to be part of the same scene from the first volume, right? Didn't Jason show frustration that he couldn't overcome his anger?
Again stubornness is mentioned to describe Jason. If you look back at some issues it's used to describe him a lot.
What does Jason define as a "normal person"? If he means he never knew one before he was adopted it's even sadder.
Step sister? Who is being called the monster that Essence is the step sister of? An as of yet unseen character? The soul monster? S'aru? I'm going to assume it's him since Essence states she's not afraid of him like some are.
The laser joke is pretty funny.
Questions Asked?: Isabel says that Jason isn't reliable but I'm not sure why she thinks that in this issue's context. Because of the Tynion run? The fact people attacked him last issue? He can't help the life he leads and she initiated their romance again knowing what his life was. As of this issue she is the one that arrived late.
Did fighting the monster at the start mess up his soul? Was it constant use of the All Blades? Something to do with his resurrection? Talia did say that his soul was absent before he was put in the pit in the first volume.
Is the missing memory a piece of his soul?
They have an invisible plane?
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