The Other unmasks.
Even if I didn't know Glass was leaving I get the distinct impression that all the team's misdeeds will be swept to the side. Sure they had someone flat out spell out why their actions were bad but hey, their still a bit better than their parents (at least Shado, Lobo and Daniel West.) This acknowledgement isn't that deep and my only hope that everything will boomerang on them is the fact they literally mind controlled villains to be redeemed against their will. But even that might be ignored by future writers that don't want to deal with the excess baggage from this run.
Well I expected an Al Ghul connection so that's something.
While the Heretic fits with the themes Glass was working on the plot was never really built up enough. Sure Damian supposedly picked up clues (or at least got them from Jason) but we--the audience--were never let in on any of it. The traitor plot was a dead end because Roundhouse never worked for him and his intentions weren't bad just misguided. The actual Other, a supposedly ancient evil, was apparently killed with ease by the Heretic. Which doesn't work for me unless it was set up by Ra's or something along those lines. The Heretic is certainly more articulate than I remember but then again it's been awhile since I read what Morrison wrote.
I keep seeing posts calling Billy a villain and hope for his death. I don't get this because nothing he did was worse than anything Damian and the others did. The worst thing Billy did was trap Djinn in her ring and that was due to spur of the moment anger and unlike the other TTs he seems to actually regret what he did. His talk with his mom was my favorite part in this issue. She was awesome and inspired him to save the team. We have a character that actually feels bad and wants to make amends. We don't have to wait several arcs for hints of guilt, there's real character development. So unpopular opinion but Roundhouse is more heroic than any of them.
One more issue before the drop off point. Unless I hear about the team getting into trouble when their actions are brought to light I'm done after that. I can't keep reading this title and think these guys are heroes.
Questions Raised?: So Black Mask did lie right to Damian's face since he met the Other. Does this mean the other prisoners lied too?
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