I wish this book had Donna Troy, Cassandra Sandsmark and Artemis Grace. Sadly none of them appeared, not even in a variant cover.
Overall this was pretty enjoyable, I think it's the first multiple story issue since the Nuclear Winter Special that I enjoyed more than a few stories.
The Wild Hunt Finale
This was an okay read although there are things that just don't work for me. I thought Hera was supposed to be Cassie at first because the costume looked at bit like her new 52 design. Writers change how the gods are written in Wonder Woman from time to time and I'm not used to see a Hera that fights one on one. Couldn't she just leave without Cheetah being able to harm her? I haven't been following the run this concludes so I don't know if the arc addresses it or has this being the norm.
I liked the way Diana was finally able to get Cheetah to give up the weapon and even learned something herself. I don't read Silencer so I'm not sure how she fits with this story. It actually took me a few pages to connect but it wasn't the only detail that took me out of the story. It's odd to see Orlando reference so much Wonder Woman/Amazon lore after the way he wrote Artemis and the Bana-Mighdall in the main title. A lot of the names he mentions here don't make sense to me and not because I don't know them. For long time fans it's great to see these names mentioned but it's still confusing because of the way some of them muddle the hierarchy.
From Small Things, Mama
I read a trade from the Gail Simone Wonder Woman and it never clicked with me. I've still been thinking of trying out more trades. Even if I didn't previously enjoy the take on the character I'd like to read more Diana, a this tale shows Simone can write a Diana I can get behind. This story is a sequel to another short story Simone did that introduced Star-Blossom, a girl that can create flowers and wanted to be a superhero. Which in it's self was an enjoyable read. By this point Star-Blossom is using her powers to save lives, her parents are proud but worried about her safety. Diana sits down to eat with them only to have her mother visit with bad news.
It's an enjoyable story that shows that all parents worry about their children and Star-Blossom can also be there for Diana too.
The Interrogation
This one honestly confused me, which might have to do with me being out of the loop with current Wonder Woman. But the Amazons set up an operation where they pretend they are government agents which works to lure Ares in. They bring Diana in to let him interrogate her, Ares decides to immediately reveal himself to her and is promptly captured? This is what Ares has became? The god of war that once fought for the spot as Wonder Woman's arch enemy with Cheetah and Circe? Needless to say I found this pretty disappointing.
Never Change
Rucka usually delivers solid Wonder Woman stories although I still find the new version of Circe a little odd. I'm so used to the purple haired version that has a more complex relationship with Diana. Regardless this shows the selflessness of Diana and the tragic nature of Cheetah.
To Leave Paradise...
Right before Steve Trevor shows up on the island Diana struggles with her desire to see the world beyond their boarders. The rest of the Amazons are fine staying where they are because they suffered at the hands of men in the past. This one has me on the fence. I do wish Nubia had some greater part in general, here she tells Diana of her horrible past and that's the only role she has in this entire issue.
Emergency Visit
While the art isn't quite my taste this was a cute story of the Amazons making a flimsy excuse to call Diana just so she could visit them. Also Guy Gardner hits on Hippolyta, finds out she's Diana's mom and says his dinner offer still stands. The queen isn't amused with him or the bossy bat fellow.
To Me
This is a Bombshells tale and I tried but never got into that universe. I preferred Gotham City Garage, so this story didn't click with me. I didn't love it or hate it, I just never got invested in it. As a result the emotional moments don't hit as hard.
I had hoped this Silver Swan retcon would be ignored, it combines bits from all the Silver Swans for a new Vanessa Kapatelis that feels very disrespectful towards the Kapatelis family in general. I know this retcon was done by a different writer but it just doesn't work for me. The importance of Julia Kapatelis is completely erased, her daughter Vanessa might as well be a completely new character because her history with Diana is gone.
Instead of Nessie, the girl that was a friend of Diana for years (almost like a little sister) that had her mind messed with and was turned into Silver Swan by a villain we get this take. The story has some heart but it's just not the same when you know the depth the old history had.
A Brave New World
The introduction of Wonder Woman as the first offical hero in the new timeline. I'm curious to see how this is treated after this story but it's a decent start.
Say What?: Orana was Wonder Woman for two issues in the first volume, 250 and 251. She's considered the prototype Artemis of Bana-Mighdall. There was even a fan theory I was found of with her being Artemis' mother but she's shown here on Themyscira, which makes that theory seem less likely.
Exoristos was a member of the Demon Knight, a series that was printed during New 52. She was exiled from the Amazons. Is she supposed to be related to Diana?
Alcippe, Diana's grandmother was also in New 52 that was murdered with poisoned wine a Spartan Ambassador gave her. Men were forbidden to enter Themyscira ever since in that timeline. Now she apparently co-foundered Bana-Mighdall with her sister and her daughter Antiope? Which confuses me even further since Antiope originally ruled them after splitting from Themyscira, which was ruled by Hippolyta. But if Alcippe was alive then why wasn't she ruling Themyscira? And if three members of the royal family foundered it (two of which we know are live) why aren't they currently ruling? Antiope was even shown (granted in another comic) as being alive as a general of Themyscira. None of this makes sense.
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