I got around to getting this because I'm a sucker for time travel and family stories.
I really liked this arc even though there were a few things that bugged me. Chief among my nitpicks was how time travel was being treated. Kids go back to a point where none of them are born to fix their time and immediately tells their parents who they are. Wouldn't that be something they'd want to keep to themselves especially the Allen/Cruz kids who's parents wouldn't even be together yet? George even shows his dad his memories! Just tell them that their legacy heroes not that their related.
Hunter is okay with a plan involving them killing his mom but never considers that if they do that might create a paradox since he might not be born? Then they seem to think that everything will be fixed in their time at the end? Barry worries what this could mean since he loves Iris yet twice thinks everything is cool because there are different realities/timelines. Which do they believe?
I'm not really sure who a couple of characters are but that's on me for not reading this run. But when people keep referring someone you think you should know it keeps making you think you should know who they are from older works. I did really liked how Hitch handled so many characters, even the ones barely in this story show some personality.
Simon Baz isn't related to any of the kids but learns he's supposed to kill Sinestro and take over his Corps. He's amazed by this but shouldn't he be more concerned? Regardless, while most of the JL is busy bonding with their kids he's trying to help Steve Trevor lockdown the same threat the kids came to stop. I'm not too familiar with Simon but I like him well enough in this and his bond with Jessica.
It amuses me far too much how out of the loop Bruce is for a good portion of this arc. The League discovers their children from a possible future and he knows nothing about it until he's informed by Lois. Bruce doesn't really do much in the greater scheme of the story which is actually refreshing.
Lois is extremely supportive and I was a little surprised that she didn't seem to mind Hunter being around the house. I assumed she might question his motives more but I like that she was more laid back. But my favorite part was her reaction to learning Bruce made weapons to combat her husband. I know we're not going to see her talk with Bruce but I'd buy an issue that had nothing but that conversation in it. Jon had a small cameo and his excitement at being Hunters' big brother was adorable as was the mentions Hunter makes to the Super Sons. Though Damian sounded like he was a jerk to him.
I don't really have much to say about Barry in general but I was happy that he accepted his kids despite their mother not being Iris. I thought there might be an awkward conversation when he explained that he had no desire to leave Iris for Jessica or felt pressured to do so for the sake of the kids. I'm glad that didn't happen (well the former sort of did but Barry wasn't in control at the time.) Much like Simon my exposure to Jessica is minimum but I really liked her in this. She instantly knew how to comfort the kids, and since the twins seem to have her anxiety this was especially sweet.
Nora/Cruise is fun but she doesn't really do anything to set her apart from other speedsters. Her siblings are interesting because of their powers. I'm not sure how they managed to channel the powers of several Corps rings although it's a very interesting concept. Without them the heroes wouldn't have had a chance.
Victor was awesome, sure he has more information on his son due to their ability to share information but there's something very tender in how he treats his kid. His desire for his own dad to meet George (as a nod to George Perez perhaps?) feels like it was mainly to get the two to bond. I liked George/Cube and after Hunter he's the kid I'd like to be canon in main continuity. His personality was unique among the kids, while they were all traumatized he seemed like the most together. I admit I was a little confused with his mom situation as I thought they were implying Cyborg/Mother Box. George mentioned his mom later on when we see a memory of Victor holding him when he was born but we never know who it was. It's likely that Victor knows because of their link which would make an interesting follow up story.
I like Mera although I wasn't sure where she stood on the kid front for awhile as Blackest Night had her claim she never wanted children. Her story with Dory and future Aquaman is pretty good. Mera herself acts as a peacekeeper between the two and also brings up bad memories. I liked Dory/Serenity but with the other potential daughters the two have I don't know if she will stand out over time.
Clark acts as the adopted father of Hunter and I really liked his role in this. I saw a Diana/Clark shipper complain about the fact he wasn't the birth father but that's not the point of the plot. Besides Lois/Clark being a thing in canon the point of Hunters' story (more on that below) is him feeling abandoned but despite his issues he turns out okay. Why? Because he had a good upbringing and grew up in a loving environment. Diana chose Clark and Lois to raise her son because she knew it what was best for him. She trusted them both that much and I've always loved the idea of Clark adopting a kid. (I miss Chris.) Clark became who he is because of his adopted parents after all. I also love that Clark never lost faith in Diana and his smile at the end when she speaks with Hunter really says it all.
For a good portion of this Diana is lost, she doesn't know her part in all of this and doesn't know why she'd abandon her son. She looks for answers while the others are bonding with the kids and out of all the plots I wished hers with Hunter extended more. To me it was the most fascinating of all the stories yet it ends right when it feels like we could have had some really great bonding. I love the idea of Amazons having sons (not the New 52 versions though) and seeing how that would work. Hitch plays with the concept many have of Amazons--Diana in this case--not caring for their child because they weren't born female. If you read Diana enough to know her character this idea doesn't fit and I like how it plays out once we have the reveal.
Hippolyta is a character that can be awesome but can also be horrible when Diana is in peril. The woman literally had Artemis become Wonder Woman in old canon to set her up to die in Diana's place. So her part in this really worked for me, it just made so much sense. Even her treatment of Hunter early on (when she calls him worthless and mocks his abandonment) fits. Think about it, Diana was impregnated by the darkness and wanted to protect her child. She knew the darkness would take her over and spread thus she killed herself. After she gives birth she gave Hunter to Clark and Lois not her own mother. Why? Because she knew Hippolyta would blame him for what happened to Diana. Hippolyta wouldn't want to see him knowing how his creation led to her daughters' death.
I really liked Hunter and I wasn't expecting to because of his issues with his mother. I honestly would love if he was born (without Diana having to kill herself) in canon. Maybe having him be the little brother of Lyta. He's the obvious leader of his team that gets things done and his story is pretty compelling. Despite him having anger over his mothers' abandonment he nevertheless wears mementos of her on his costume. Her tiara, the clasp on his cape, the bracelets/gantlets and the lasso of truth. It's also interesting that the truth--at least the entire truth--eludes him for so long. Steve wasn't in this arc much but I really liked the exchanges he has after learning about Hunter. His trust in Diana and reaction to Hippolyta while Hunter realizes she's his grandmother were great touches.
Do I think the JL kids in this will be born in the main timeline? Unlikely, especially for the Allen/Cruz kids though I'd love for George and Hunter to be around. Given how DC changed Diana's timeline I'd surprised they didn't introduce kids into her timeline like they did with Jon Kent. This was just really a lot of fun for me given all the family interactions and time travel.
Say What?: Dory doesn't like her nickname (likely because it's after Dory from Finding Nemo) and tells people not to call her that. Then tells her mom to call her Dory?
Questions Raised?: What was happening with Tempest? Dory mentions him trying to take the throne from her. Is it because he's mad at what she did to Aquaman?
What was the deal between Nora/Hunter/Dory? At the beginning Nora kind of flirts with him, which Dory calls out. Nora calls him baby when he confronts Diana and Dory tells her not to coddle him. Out of the blue Mera asks what the deal between Hunter and Dory is. Dory says it's complicated but we never get any other information. Not even a confirmation that Hunter feels that way about either of them. Curiously he doesn't include her when they try to take down Wonder Woman. Maybe because he knew how important it was for her to be around Mera?
Why was Hunter sure Steve wasn't his father? Did he suspect who his father was or did he just say that because he sees Clark as his dad?
We have Serenity, Cruise, Cube...why don't the twins and Hunter have codenames?
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