Wednesday, February 28, 2018

This is why I say it

One of the reasons anyway. A lot of Bat writers use Jason and something is ususally off. The Kate debate and Jason's characterization don't work for me overall but I don't want to discuss that.


Browsing for comic art

I've been looking at various sites and see a page for Booster Gold that's reasonably priced.

Love the art and I click for more information.

Get to new page.

It's already sold.

Tuesday, February 27, 2018

Old Comics I need to buy

Because I'm going to forget if I don't make a list. I'll probably get most of these digitally, if I can. Some of these are supposed to be terrible but there are some really good titles listed too.

Monday, February 26, 2018

Amazons Attack #2

Where a fighter jet is taken down by an arrow. Phillipus and Artemis also show up lacking their usual characterizations. They do state the obvious about this series.

Phillipus: I cannot help but question our queen's judgement.
Artemis: I agree. This war makes increasingly less sense with each passing moment.

Sunday, February 25, 2018

That "fact" is false

I saw this posted when I was browsing for RHATO stuff. Look I love Nightwing but he doesn't need to be hyped up with this BS.

Saturday, February 24, 2018

Comic Art

I've been skimming for available art after seeing what Marcio Takara is selling (which includes pages from RHATO #19 "Date Night) but the ones I'd want are sadly too expensive for me. But I have been browsing different sites for art and there are options to be found. I just feel like I need to do more research.

I'm considering a Booster Gold piece at the moment.

Friday, February 23, 2018

Lex Luthor's Role

Is he just interested in Bizarro? Some thoughts on a possible storyline based on the solicit.

Thursday, February 22, 2018

Amazons Attack #1

It's a notoriously bad series that I'm reading digital back issues of.

Wednesday, February 21, 2018

Nightwing and Red Hood Part 1

Just where do they stand with each other? This is mostly based on the annual.

Tuesday, February 20, 2018

DC Solicts for May 2018

Not as many titles interested me as I had hoped.


Monday, February 19, 2018

What's up with the bad guys in RHATO?

Recently we met a strange character who claims to be involved with the team. Lex Luthor is still interested in what the Outlaws are doing. Do we know the team stalker ? And what's with all the stuff that has to do with the mind? Is Bizarro more devious than we thought?

Sunday, February 18, 2018

Toy Fair: DC Multiverse Mattel

Most of these have been seen before. I like the Lex Lutbor which is unfortunately a build-a-Figure and Wonder Woman. Of the new ones shown I think Beast Boy and Kid Flash look the best. Sadly I'm not too thrilled with the Spoiler and disappointed more figures from the rumor list weren't true.

Saturday, February 17, 2018

Toy Fair 2018 DC Mezco One:12

Most of these have already been seen but John Stewart and Darkseid are new.

Friday, February 16, 2018

Wonder Woman #123 & 124

I skipped ahead in my reading of Wonder Woman to get to the section where Artemis shows up for the first time since her resurrection.


Thursday, February 15, 2018

The story of Artemis and Kanto: The extremely questionable "romance"

A while back I recall skimming a message board on Wonder Woman when these two came up. I forgot about it until I read Genesis and remembered people saying they were an item. A lot of character bios mentioned it but it took me awhile to actually figure out where it came from. But even if it came up in canon would it actually fit?

Rocafort Red Hood Statue

Not for the fans that hate this helmet.

Doomsday Clock Figures

I didn't realize they were getting any but they look good.

Red Hood and the Outlaws #19 Volume 2

The "Date Night" with Artemis and Jason. I don't think Lobdell will make them a couple given his interviews but it should be fun.


Wednesday, February 14, 2018

Short Review: Action Comics #997

My digital copy froze on the page selection until I accessed it from another computer. I hope it doesn't continue doing that since it's easier to just use a tablet. Anyway this Valentine's Day Superman and Booster continue their time traveling while Lois and Jon meet her dad.


Tuesday, February 13, 2018

Short Review: DC One Million Action Comics

Superman arrives in the future seeing what an impact he had on the world.


Monday, February 12, 2018

DC One Million #1

I have the huge omnibus with every tie in including the Booster Gold One Million ! There's a lot to get through.


Sunday, February 11, 2018

I'm not expecting a relationship for them

For Artemis and Jason to be teased as a potential couple? Sure. But I'll honestly be surprised if they get together in this week's issue given Lobdell's interviews. Yes he could change his mind but I'm doubtful about that happening this early on,

Saturday, February 10, 2018

Sadly this is still true with Donna Troy

Also I really love Stjepan Sejic's work. His art is amazing in Aquaman.

Short Review: Genesis

I have to be honest, I don't recall hearing about this mini series. Which was part of the reason I got it. I was curious since I knew nothing about it plus Artemis was also on a couple covers.


Friday, February 9, 2018

Short Review: Underworld Unleashed

Some stories made a lot of fans angry like Identity Crisis and Countdown. I bring these two examples up since their related to one story thread in this event.


Thursday, February 8, 2018

Reading some older comics

I still have a lot of back issues I want to read that aren't available on digital yet but I did find some events to read up on. I also got a great deal on a physical copy of DC One Million Omnibus. I'm really happy to finally be able to read it and that Booster Gold One Million is a part of the collection.

Wednesday, February 7, 2018

Fan service for the point of fan service?

Yeah fan service was part of Dick Grayson appearances for a long time but it's been extremely blatant to uncomfortable levels since Grayson. I mean take this for example. Doesn't the art and the writing seem at odds with each other? Dick thinks it's lots of fun but he looks horrified.

Tuesday, February 6, 2018

Final Night

Can anyone save the world when the sun is being eaten?


Monday, February 5, 2018

Possible DC Multiverse list?

I have no idea how authentic this list is but the poster who mentioned it is found here. We'll know how real it is soon enough since Toy Fair is February 17-20 2018 so it'll be fun to talk about it.

Sunday, February 4, 2018

Rumor about Tomasi taking over DET

If he did I'm not sure if he'd continue the team. He's notably ignored Stephanie and Cass in the past. He can write well but the worst part of his bat runs for me is his take on the Waynes. If he had an interesting enough take I might give it a try. I prefer his writing over Tynion.

I'm not thrilled with him ignoring Cass and Steph. He also ignores Jason to a lesser extent--see "the whole family" for one example--but he mostly did an okay job with him. I still like how he handles other characters like Kents.

Saturday, February 3, 2018


This didn't turn out quite like I thought it would.


Friday, February 2, 2018

New Guardians isn't on digital yet?

Because I've been waiting to read that series ever since I read Millennium.

Thursday, February 1, 2018

What did Willis write ?

A follow up from my previous thoughts on the current plot. This is a deductive analysis of a rumor.

Superman: Emperor Joker

The Superman story with Joker as the all powerful villain !