I waited for them to do Red Hood and the Outlaw figures for a long time and even longer to finally have some good figures of the characters before they became a trio. Ladies first especially since the Princess arrived before her male teammates did.
Sculpting: I believe this is the same sculpt that was seen in the promo shot with a different paint job. Jack Mathews is credited in crafting this figure. I've looked at some of his work already as he did Huntress and Green Arrow. He's someone that gets detail and amazed me with the promo picture of Kori. Some of that look is missing here which seems to be due to the paint job. Starfires' head isn't as big as Nightwings' but it's still larger than Arsenal and Red Hood. Of course you'll notice the amazing flaming hair first which instantly draws the eye in. This is the most beautiful DC Collectibles figure, so far. As usual I'm not thrilled with closed fists though Kori only has one while her other is open. Not in a grip that can hold most weapons. Since the hair is pretty incredible It makes up a little for the hands. RATING: 9
Articulation: There's so much that could have been added. Kori could have had a swivel under the bra area but doesn't. Ball joints could have been added easily given the way the ankle area is crafted. No wrist movement although there are arm cuts where the arm guards end. While there are wasted opportunities that doesn't mean we don't get some surprises. Hidden by the boots are upper leg cuts that allows for more movement we didn't have for Power Girl and Huntress. More surprising is the shoulder pads which I worried would be stuck too bulky. Although all buyers should be wary that these shoulder pads can snap out of place. From what I've heard this usually occurs when the head is turned and bumps into them. Mine did so when I merely touched it. I've seen mentions of it being hard to put back in but I never had any trouble. It's plain to see movement will be hindered because of the hair. I haven't come across this problem since I was careful but it's still a possibility. While the hair has two parts it has no articulation and is glued in place. RATING: 8
Accessories: The princess comes with nothing. I can sort of understand this as the hair takes up a lot of room. It might also be hard to think of anything to put in although star bolts would have been an awesome touch. Maybe a flight stand. I was going to start rating this section when there's no accessories after Superboy but the hair Kori has makes it more understandable. So I'm still putting the rating to the next figure that doesn't come with anything and doesn't have the excuse of incredibly huge hair.
Overall: Kori is superior to the other Starfire figures which I believe are just the DCD Teen Titans version and the Mattel one I reviewed. The hair can be a struggle to deal with if you're not careful but I love it. This is how the flaming hair should look. It would only be better if it could move with articulation and/or lit up. The likeness in the face isn't as good as it was in the promos and while it lost some of it's look it's still a lovely action figure. Would I like to see new Starfire figures? Yes, having at least one in the Artist Designer line seems like a must. I think Kori can be made into a better figure but this one is still pretty awesome.
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