Sunday, September 13, 2015

The new list of cancelled books

I wonder what the new books their replacing these with will be. I was expecting Doomed because it stars all new characters and an updated minor character. Still I wanted it to last longer. Hopefully Reiser and Roman can show up in RHA at some point.


  1. Shame about Doomed, it was great. And have to say, my crackpot theory about Robin War sounds more plausible now.

  2. It really is. The editorial mandate theory? It makes sense, I think you mentioned the Underbelly plot rushing to put them in Gotham? Sorta like how he had to put the Outlaws there during NOTO.

  3. Yeah, when they interviewd Lobdell shortly before issue 1 hit the stands he mentioned that issue 4 would have the boys facing Sera Phina and issue five would be the GordoBats crossover. Now Sera Phina has been moved to issue 6, GordoBats has two issues and Jason and Roy are back on Gotham for Robin War. Is really odd.

    Sales numbers for August are also out and well, is kind of depressing

  4. I'm not looking at sales because I always get depressed. I do check digital and it was number six, it's always a few spaces ahead of Starfire each month.
