Saturday, January 30, 2016

I finally got my comics! Woo!

The snow seems to have delayed shipping but I just got my long awaited haul! Several weeks of comic goodness!

Trades: Batgirl (Cassandra Cain.) The first trade was pricey has hell (at least $75) so I was pleased to finally get one at a good price when they decided to rerelease it. The last Red Hood and the Outlaws trade (I refuse to get the Tynion TPBs) before the trio were relaunched with DCYOU. Star Wars, I enjoyed the first TPB so naturally I'm going to get the next one.

Comics: I was really starting to forget that I still had to read Robin War #2, there's no way it can redeem the event. Titans Hunt has been meh but I still have a couple more issues after this. I finally get to read Green Lantern Corps Edge of Oblivion which pleases me. Back to the Future has been a near perfect. I already read Red Hood/Arsenal thanks to digital but it's still good to have in hand. Sinestro...I have no idea what to expect.


  1. The Robin war seems to be pretty much of a dud. GLC was pretty good actually.

  2. I loathed most of what I read. It really does come across as the laziest cash grab I've read in awhile.

    I'm look forward to GLC.
