Wednesday, March 30, 2022

Dc vs Vampires

 I never planned on getting this series. I don't like Tynion's writing and I always knew it would just tick me off. But after seeing spoilers for #6 I have to make a comment.


First and foremost, I think this story is utterly wasted. Not just because of the plot holes and weird logic leaps. If Dick Grayson is the vampire king it should be compelling, he should keep his core personality and want to keep his family close to him. Not kill most of them and complain that he only wanted to keep a brother by his side afterward. Even having his siblings survive after Dick kills Bruce would have been compelling. 

This is how I think we're supposed to read this: 

  • Dick kills Bruce because as a vampire Bruce would have been a threat to his rule. Because apparently Dick thinks he'd be able to overcome the desire to stay loyal to the vampire king.
  • Not hinted at in the text but I saw a fan claim Tim's intellect might also challenge Dick hence why he's killed. In text he doesn't seem to care.
  • Dick sees Damian becoming a problem if he's given the chance.
  • Despite breaking Cass' arm (BS) he sees her as a threat? I think?
  • Wants Jason to work for him because he sees him as the easiest to control. Kinda hinted at with Dick gloating he's so better.
How it reads instead:
  • Instead of planning to turn his family one by one Dick blatantly reveals himself. Luckily the others fight him one on one instead of teaming up on him. The former bothers me more because of the effort Dick went through to hide himself. He could have subtly drugged members and turned them. Yet the most unrealistic path is taken and Dick wins because the writer said so.
  • Damian and Tim have both shown their devotion to Dick in the past so him deciding they should die doesn't make any sense. Especially since vampires are supposed to stay loyal, at least until their conveniently not.
  • BS fan theories about Dick and Jason's relationship are put in because DC wants to hammer in these cliche plots with the subtlety of an airhorn. At least the fact Jason holds back is mentions again and he overpowers Dick. Out of all his siblings Dick choses Jason to turn. I feel like it's supposed to be for other reasons but it reads like he just decided who was his favorite. I saw a meme on this that had me laughing so hard I cried.

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