Saturday, February 23, 2019

What's up with Wingman?

There's a new Wingman that's been trailing Red Hood...and we don't know who he is.

He followed Jason to Hieve El Agua where he attacks.

There seems to be some respect since he admits he's surprised that he was able to sneak up on Jason (although Jason did notice Wingman was following earlier.) This Wingman seems to have a dry sense of humor given a couple of his retorts. Jason thinks someone else is trying to drag him back to Gotham. (*1) Wingman does want Jason to return and claims that not everyone agrees with Batman. The reason Wingman gives is that Jason is the only one that can deal with the lunatics.

This is interesting considering he attacked before he tried to get Jason to go back. Almost like he suspected or knew Jason wouldn't want to hear him out. He uses the same tactic when they next fight and still doesn't quite get the answer he wanted. He's demanding Jason return now and states that he's willing to drag him there.

During their first meeting Wingman says they need a "Prince" which is the same endearment Solitary uses and links to a title Willis gave Jason right after he was born. "The Damned Prince of Gotham." After Jason informs him of Bunker bringing down the prison Wingman mutters about it not going at all like he thought it would. Then quietly he adds, "Why couldn't you have just been honest with him?"

Either he's speaking about himself not being honest (which is my guess) or he's referring to someone else which makes his job harder. Like if for example Bruce wanted Jason back, got Wingman to do it but he couldn't just say that it's because he felt horrible about his behavior. Which admittedly looks more and more unlikely given the way Bruce acts recently. He hasn't admitted to anything being his fault at all when they last met.

The next time we see him it's with Bunker, the dog and Jason visiting Roy's grave. Jason still doesn't know Wingmans' real name but we do see his unmasked face. He seems to be an older man and gives a smug grin when they leave ready to go to Gotham. For whatever reason Jason is working with him even though he still doesn't seem to know who he is. I've seen a rumor that Jason has a past or a connection with Wingman. I just can't recall how it was phrased, Here are some guesses I've seen:
  • Thomas Wayne: Because of the storyline King is doing in Batman where Flashpoint Batman seems to be in league with Bane. Bringing Jason back could stir up trouble but I'm not sure if his characterization fits. Plus King is doing a storyline with the character making this seem doubtful. 
  • Jason Sr. (Husband of Ma Gunn, Granddad of Jason): Didn't Ma Gunn say she was in her 70's? If it is him I have A LOT of questions because this doesn't make much sense to me. Not with the information we were given about Willis having no support for years and his mother only recognizing Jason as her grandson because he looks like his dad. Where was her husband all this time if he was alive?
  • Uncle (Possibly Faye Gunns' dad): Well Jason wouldn't know him but we don't know how he would know who Jason is, etc. There's a lot of build up that will come with this one which wouldn't be a bad thing. 
  • Older or Alternate Jason: Maybe? Though you'd think Jason would recognize the face a little.
  • Wills: Maybe if it was a projection of Wingman otherwise I'm not sure how he could do alright in an one on one fight. He was a henchman but even he was hesitant about being more than that in his letters. Then again we never saw just how skilled he was in a fight. The situation with Solitary is confusing since Ma Gunn recognized him as Willis and Jason doesn't. Gunn claims to know a lot but she hasn't seen her son in years, apparently it's been longer than Jason has been alive. Wingman sounds more like Willis than Solitary did in the last issue and curiously the two never interacted. Both want Jason to be more than he is.

Whoever Wingman is Jason doesn't seem to recognize the face when he's unmasked. Illusions aren't out of the question and there's been some talk of mental powers/control since they very beginning of the second volume. Black Mask being able to mentally control those he injects, the H.I.V.E. Queen reading something deeper in Jason's mind, Solitary/the prison experiments, Bunkers' powers and having his mind messed with, etc. I'm not sure how it all fits together with Wingman but I'm not writing off the possibility quite yet.

*1 Curiously he seems to think Bruce and Kate were trying to bring him back. Sure Kate suggested he make up with Bruce but Bruce said Jason wasn't allowed back.

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