Wednesday, March 6, 2019

Things I saw online today

A few things that don't have to do with current issues but one that does.

SPOILERS AHEAD for Young Justice comic

Who's The Better Fighter Because of Gun Use/Bullet Dodging?

I saw a Cassandra Cain fan showing proof that Cassandra can dodge bullets to dispute the claim Jason Todd fans say that he could shoot her. I'm kind of confused because I never knew that was something that was said and I didn't realize this "us vs. them" fight was going on. The few times I saw a Cass vs. Jason thing was when their fight came up in Batman and Robin Eternal, which I believe Jason had the upper hand in. And when skills came up his All Caste training was mentioned not his ability to use a gun. 

I haven't been following Cass in current canon because she's usually being written by writers I'm avoiding. In old canon she was my favorite Batgirl, the one I honestly believe was the best in the role. She was the only one that I ever felt was treated as an equal while in the mantle. But from what I've seen current Cass doesn't seem like she's on the same level as her pre-Flashpoint self. Jason and her have, to my knowledge, BARELY interacted yet this is a point of contention? Really? It honestly doesn't matter at this point because Cass is still being re-developed and Lobdell hasn't gotten into all of Jasons' training yet. All we know is that Jason holds back a lot and the hints we've been given about his skills over the years. 

Hey I'd gladly erase all of the Eternal books canon in general but I don't think any book has made a big deal over the fight.

The Fight Over What's Canon

Not really a spoiler but there's been talk over Geoff Johns vs. Tom King/Brian Bendis over canon because of Doomsday Clock, which I haven't read yet. Doomsday Clock is supposed to be a year into the future right? As much as I'd love for Johns to undo A LOT of recent canon there's still some wiggle room. 

Conner Kent Has A What? And He Is A What?!

Apparently Conner ditched his education, ended up on Gemworld and married a woman we've never seen before. Oh and they seem to have a baby. Does anyone know how old any character at DC is at this point? Bart and Tim look like their 13-15. I guess Conner could age faster? This sudden twist wouldn't bother me so much if the wife was an established character. If Connor and Cassie returned like this at least it would make some sense because there's a history there. Unless this is a fake out it feel like a twist just for the shock and lacks character development to get to this point. 

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