Friday, June 7, 2019

What's up with Original Titans and HIC Reactions

I will be mentioning some rumors too.


It's kind of weird that so many bad things happened to the original Titans at once. Nightwing is shot in the head and Roy is killed among other heroes when Wally loses control.

There's also rumors of Roy returning from the dead to be Leviathan and Donna having been infected by the Batman who laughs. Whether these rumors are true or not it's still grating that this seems to prove the ruling the JL gave the Titans was right. As if they needed a babysiter to watch them because they were all too dangerous and irresponsible. Besides Iris and Ollie calling out people (mostly Bruce) for failing their loved ones no one blames the Trinity for creating such a flawed system as Sanctuary.

We also have no idea how everyone is taking the news about Wally. While I'd seriously love if HIC was retconned it still feels like it's not over yet.

Barry/Iris: It was extremely noticible that Barry didn't have any real on panel moments with his nephew. We won't be getting anything for awhile either since the Flash series will be focused on Barry's origins for an arc. The Price crossover had Iris break up with Barry and she was naturally upset over Wallys' death. Needless to say their reaction is a must.

Bart/Wallance/Flash Family: No one knows Bart is back outside of Young Justice but Wally unknowingly freed him. This news would be devastating for him. Wallance has a super villain dad which will make this pretty bad for him too. Most of the family are missing but I believe there are a couple of newer members I'm not familiar with.

Rogues: After reading a whole lot of back issues I feel like I need their reactions too. They have their own set of rules and feelings for Wally. Some might be jerks about it. I especially want to see Piper have a reaction. Are they still friends in this canon?

Dick/Donna/Garth/Titans: If their going to put Wally through this they should have the fall out with his friends too. Poor Garth, if the rumors are true he basically loses all his friends at once.

Linda: I don't want them kept apart but it feels like DC is pulling a OMD on them. So I can't even image how this Linda would react.

Ollie: I'm not sure how Ollie will take the news that Roy died because his friend accidently lost control. Would he just blame Wally? Maybe the Trinity? I feel like he's the one that would pinpoint the problem with Sanctuary.

Jason: I'm hoping that if this is shown Jason isn't written as someone that is gunning for Wally. Maybe he'd have conflicting feelings. It could be interesting if they met in the past and Jason knows it was an accident. Or brings up the framing job, etc.

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