Monday, August 26, 2019

Unresolved Plots and/or Macguffins

I might be missing some but these came to mind recently.

What was Roy working on?

Before Roy went to Sanctuary he was helping his friend Jason Todd recover from his confrontation with Batman. During this time Roy often told Jason that he was working on a solo project that he was working on. Jason never went into Roy's work station so whatever he was doing in there is still a mystery. Originally some fans thought it had to do with the box Green Arrow had that supposedly could stop the Justice League, something Ollie had been thinking about giving Roy. But it turns out that J'onn had given Ollie an empty box to make him feel more included.

One theory that's been floating around is that this project ties into Leviathan. When I first read the issue I assumed it was something Roy made for Jason to help him in the field. His constant mention of his project seemed to be an attempt at getting Jason interested in what he was doing. If he really had to be secretive about something he was making this is odd behavior, right?  It seems a little odd that that he'd bring it up unless he planned on showing Jason at some point. But thus far this subplot hasn't been mentioned since it was teased.

What's in the box?

Not the Green Arrow one, but the small engraved box Damian Wayne stole from Alfred that's supposed to belong to Jason Todd. I've talked at length about the importance it's given and the best theory I've heard about what it contains here. It was hyped up when it was seen in two issues of TT, then Damian loses the fight and the box to Jason. Since then it hasn't been seen or mentioned since. This may be a case similar to fill in writer Rick Remender overstepping his bounds in Booster Gold. Remender had Booster find out that he was going to be a father which would demand a follow up that Jurgens hadn't been planning on writing. Since Remender was only onboard for two issues it was even more baffling.

Red Hood had barely been in TT yet a plot was introduced with this important box that connects to him? Granted there have been whispers online about arcs related to Red Hood that were never produced. I recall a rumor of a follow up with Batwoman and one Green Arrow cross over where Jason worked with Ollie. If that was true not much could be done as Batwoman and Green Arrow were canceled. Still given Damian's role in accusing Jason of crimes twice in a year and Jason's absence from the family the mystery of the box feels like it should be revealed. To explain why Damian thought it was so vital and why Jason was so affected by it.


  1. What if Roy's project was simply arranging the holographic talk with Waylon?

    1. That was something Amanda Waller set up, right? Why would Roy go on for 3 weeks about that and never tell Jason about it? Jason is well aware of Roy taking to Croc.
