Friday, February 28, 2020

Short Review: Red Hood (and the) Outlaw(s) #43 Vol. 2

I'm sad because with sales down it looks like the book will be ending and who knows what will happen to these characters and plots once 5G starts.

Well I'm glad that Suzies' apparent immortality was brought up since Red Hood/Arsenal.

I liked seeing all the villains applying for the teaching job but are the Outlaws really going through with training the kids to be villains? Are they just handing them over to villains and Faye? Seeing Mallah and Brain was fun and their familiarity with Faye deepens the mystery around her past. Ma Gunn is well connected and not just to the Sionis family. It also helps explain why she barely reacts to the strangeness around her. This also further confirms the idea that Willis and her weren't in contact for a long time otherwise he wouldn't be working as a barely paid henchman.

I don't know why Artemis is being condescending to Jason. Yeah, she acts like that sometimes but other than catching him they never work as a team. The "sign" never comes, Bizarro and her just fight together until the girls reveal themselves as "recruits." Then Jason finishes them while his team is distracted. Maybe Artemis is pretend everything is normal after last issue had Jason and her lying about their feelings? Jason seems to feel left out of the closeness between Artemis and Bizarro. He mentions how lonely he's been since they've been gone and stands off to the side.

General Glory was a parody of Captain America that was created during the Justice League International days. He was the one person back then that could easily get Guy Gardner to listen to reason as Guy idolized him. In fact Guy's bowl cut hair style was modeled after the man's sidekick. I haven't read a serious portrayal of him before so this is a little weird for me. Last time I saw him Booster Gold had time traveled back in time to see the man recklessly endanger his third kid sidekick and it was written for comedic effect. Now he's demanding they follow his lead to stop the Untitled.

It's nice to see Jason has explained his history with the All Blades and Untitled to Artemis. Even with Kori and Roy it seemed like he was holding back on a lot of information. He didn't sense the Untitled in the train and that naturally concerns him. We also see the ability to possess others from the Untitled, something Essence already did in her back up stories in the original volume. Now she uses that ability to target Isabel and take her body.

Did You Notice?: The hair color for the Su sisters is off.

Artemis doesn't have her hair grown out like last issue despite claims of having enchanted hair.

The team first met on a train trying to stop a dangerous item that came from Qurac and that's how they spend this issue too.

Say What?: Artemis implies she's not mortal clearing up my confusion since the Bana canon isn't always clear if their Amazons are mortal or not.

The editor box claims the Dark Trinity haven't fought together since the second annual but that takes place after the events of #25 (which is where the team is separated) when Jason teams up with Roy for the last time before his death.

Apparently the confusing plot Tynion wrote during his run is still considered canon.

Stars and garters is a line Beast usually says in X-Men.

We get confirmation that Isabel and Jason are officially in the "off" part of their on again/off again relationships.

Not only does Jason continue to sound smitten, he privately admits Artemis knows more about fighting than him and thinks she'd make a more awesome Wonder Woman than Diana.

Questions Raised?: How does General Glory know how Jason has a history with the Untitled? Seriously, a character that was previously written as a joke knows more about Jason than the bat family does.

Was Tynion hinting at a deeper connection with Jason being able to sense the Untitled in his run? I have to track down my issues that I haven't read since to know for sure, but I remember there was a weird line Ra's says at the end of the arc. It sounded like he was suggesting that Jason might have become an Untitled too. I'll get back to this when I find the issue and line.

How did Essence get to Isabel? How did she know Isabel dated Jason? Did she stalk them?

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