Thursday, July 11, 2019

Why the confrontation scene made no sense

I've seen some debate on Event Leviathan #2 and Bendis' writing. Here's my two cents.


"Jason is the most obvious person on their list."

Is he? Steve Trevor was the only one still in the building when Batman and Lois arrived on the scene. He was aiming a gun when Green Arrow arrived and stopped him. Lois Lane is noted as still being a suspect for being at the site and her family connections. Their very presence puts them on the list. None of it is solid and their "proof" against Jason is all circumstantial evidence at best. Let's look at the "proof" they give:

1. Jason is grieving over Roy's death.

Yeah, so is Ollie and he's already on the suspect list because unlike most of those taken he was released. Hell by that logic it could be Donna Troy and Garth since they lost Roy too. They also technically lost Dick and Wally to an extent and have reasons to be mad at the older heroes. Damian himself has a closer link to Talia. Do they think Jason blames them for Roy's death? This isn't explained well (besides what Damian believes), what do they think his end goal is in connection to his grief?

2. Jason might not be aware that he's doing it.

Damian thinks this as he says : "I don't think you know you are doing any of this. I think it manifested itself out of grief." Like a split personality or something? I don't know where he got this idea from. Is there any indication of this in this series? Anything that we can see that lead him to believe this? Or is this Damian's way of slyly addressing the extra strain Bruce and him both put on Jason without having to actually voice it? Ollie and Lois don't seem to believe this as both immediately start to question Jason about the whereabouts of those missing. Something he wouldn't be able to answer if Damian's assumption was correct. If any of them really believe this is true capturing Jason might be pointless.

Couldn't they have contacted a telepath like J'onn or Lilith to try to read Jason's mind? In J'onn's case I believe he worked as a detective. Admittedly this might not work since Jason can defend himself against telepaths (sometimes) but none of them know that. Regardless this idea doesn't even seem like it occurred to them.

3.  "The scope, the anarchy of it all..."

It's funny because Damian didn't use to regard Jason's skills so highly. Sure Jason could do something like that with the right contacts, etc. But the largest scale of his plans have been focused on Gotham as seen in UTH and what he did in RHO. Thus far Jason has never been this ambitious, on a global scale. He has gone with the flow in the first volume of RHATO and let Roy have control of their business in RHA. While these are kind of valid reasons it's still too flimsy to use as proof of Jason being the prime suspect that needs to be taken down.

4, The Tech

Eel says that they discovered the fact that the weapon left at the scene of the crime matches the design of Batman's stuff. Which seems like a very weak point given how many members of the bat family there are, how often their weapons can be lost and that Steve Trevor said something about the agencies catching up to Batman.

Has Jason even been using any bat tech prior to this? He's been seen in his titles using things from the Starfire (the ship owned by Kori), items created by smart Bizarro (none of which work anymore), and Roy. He uses guns and weapons (the katana, crowbar, the All Blades) that have no connection to Batman. Jason wasn't previously being funded by Bruce, he stole funds from criminals right after he left the All Caste. In the first arc of the second volume Jason makes it clear that he has to find his own means to function because he can't use things like the bat computer.

The reason why they all blame Jason and try to capture him: Their on a time limit.

Sure but all of them have to be there instead of some of them devoting time to cracking the case? They had to have known he would flee and they all decided to waste time catching him? Lois and Vic had to pose on a roof too? Damian had to be with them just to let Jason know Damian thinks he lost his mind? And if Jason was Leviathan then why would he be out in the open instead of hiding? Wouldn't he have a plan in place in case he was captured that could ensure his orders were still carried out? Without a telepath how can they hope to get him to comply? This someone they believe was capable of taking over the organization from Talia Al Ghul and their underestimating him this much?

I've seen a lot of people claiming this is the best Jason had been written in years...really? It's not bad but he's shown far more depth in RHATO with far more engaging exchanges. This is just a few pages, the same pages that have a group of "detectives" act with little logic. Apparently because Damian suggested it, the same Robin that was previously wrong about Jason being a traitor in TT. Bendis still had extremely awkward dialogue last issue like the scene between Lois and Batman.

Some of the posters are still mad about Bruce beating up Jason. I am too but that seems like it's in line with what King is doing. Bendis has his own flaws, I don't like what he's done with Superman and other books.


  1. jason uses bruce tech, he just contradicted himself when he said bruce won't let him in the batcave. twice in vol.2 jason was shown to be allowed in the cave by himself, jason doesn't want bruce in his business,is why jason doesn't come to the cave often. bruce does checks on what those boys be up to down there.

    does jason use the bat tools often no, but he does have access to mostly everything bruce have.

    1. You mean the time he went there when Bruce wasn't there to get the kryptonite and the time with Artemis on their date? They didn't use any of Batman's things with his permission. Jason says no one was supposed to know about the kryptonite and implies he's doing something Batman wouldn't approve of.

      The actual tech? Yes, he could have access but they should be aware of the fact he doesn't use it. Jason is well known for not wanting "hand outs." He only took the kryptonite because it was the easiest way to get it in case Bizarro got out of control.

  2. While it is true that Bendis wrote Jason better than other writers (I'm looking at you King), the bar isn't particularly high and when it comes down to it; it is because Jason is filling a generic role of "guy being incriminated by something he didn't do". Personally, I thought that any former Robin could've filled Jason's part just fine. The general tone of the interactions made me thought that Dick or Tim would've worked better.

    That said, there's not a solid explanation as to why Jason is considered the prime suspect, leading me to think that Bendis is using Jason simply to take a piss on the rumors about Leviathan that have been making the rounds online since last year.

    1. Right, I feel pretty much the same. Bendis was passable but nothing really special. Some of the lines were downright weird to me. This is a problem Bendis has in general, Damian for example sounds more like Tim. I think the lines could have been given to any other Robin but the Robin that gets the blame role fits Jason's scapegoat status at the moment.

      Exactly. As a result it makes the detectives look like idiots.
