Thursday, August 30, 2018

What's up with Willis' family?

Something is definitely being set up with them. What do we know thus far and what's been said that sounds suspicious.

Way back in the first volume in issue #0 we got a glimpse of what Jason assumes his father's home life was growing up. Willis is seen as one of the youngest of seven kids and it's implied Willis' dad beat up his mom. Since we learned that Jason was named after his grandfather by Willis the likelihood of the latter seems slim. Not impossible but it's a little harder to imagine him naming his kid after a man like that. Since Faye (Jr.) is Jason's cousin the sibling bit is a least partially true.

Faye (Jr.) claims her grandmother kept her criminal life separated from her family. It's still possible she's lying since we don't know much about her character. She refers to Ma Gunn using children to gain profit through criminal activity as "mischief." Which either means she sees it as a small time crime or is woefully naive about the whole thing. Faye says no one sticks up for what her grandmother did yet she doesn't act like someone who's filled with shame over it either. Jason asks if she read the letters and instead of just saying no she says he wouldn't believe her. Odd reply to make unless she assumes he wouldn't believe her based on who she's related to.

Ma Gunn acts rather loving towards Willis yet it seems like they were estranged for years. For so long that Willis has to ask how long she knew about Jason being her grandson. We know she wasn't in his life when Willis was with Catherine. In his letters Willis makes it sound like he had no support system. That's why he took to a life of crime again. Twice Willis makes odd statements that seem to be linked to his family. After Gunn expresses her guilt for her past Willis says this:

Willis Todd: We all have so much to atone for, mom.

Who does he mean by "we all" ? That implies more than two people and he could have easily said "we both" instead. In the letters Willis said he didn't know what was to blame for Jason's childhood illness and mentioned his bad blood. We don't know of any family illness but the phrase "bad blood" usually suggests hostility. Or when someone says a family has bad blood it's used to look down on them. For their standing in life or for them being seen as people to stay away from due to their negative behavior/actions.

Who are the Todds/Gunns if Willis sees his own family in such a light?

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