Friday, October 5, 2018

The NEW Red Hood Costume

From the Three Jokers story. It looks pretty Robin like. I don't know, the "R" on his belt is kinda cheesy for Jason. It feels like it's leaning too much towards the Robin look.


  1. I hate that the costume is just a Robin costume with the jacket and the helmet overlayed on top of it. Jason grew out of the Robin identity a long time ago to become his own man. So this feels like a regression of his character.

    And if it Johns was involved in its design, it shows a basic misunderstanding of Jason's character that doesn't bodes well for Jason's role in the story.

  2. I struggle with it for the same reasons.


  3. "Jason is wearing the jacket one of Joker’s thugs was wearing the night Joker shot Babs."


    1. I KNEW I saw that somewhere but I didn't want to comment on it before I found it again. Though I can't access the link at the moment.

      Maybe Jason is put into a Robin suit and grabs the jacket to cover it up? Does DC want Jason stealing a bad guys' jacket to become a thing?

    2. But why has to be same jacket present at Barbara's shooting? That's pretty tasteless and very OoC for Jason to do.

    3. Can't say until we see it. Maybe he doesn't know the henchman was there and just thinks it's a random henchman. That said it feels tasteless for them to bring attention to something like that.
