This is a examination of the moments fans mentioned. I've edited the original version to add images, other times that have been brought to my attention and fixing the timeline.

Before the trip Jason makes this comment:
Jason Todd: Do you know how green your eyes are?
Which Artemis responds to with a threat if he's hitting on her. Jason himself was supposedly drunk when he said this. (*2)
(Note: This was originally where I placed the RHATO Annual #1 Vol. 2. I did notice the Bow of Ra but I didn't think it made sense. The team decided to take Bizarro on a mission right after he collapses and before he "dies"? I had placed the events in the Annual right after #8 but that's not what editorial says. It does make sense to place it before the events of #12 Vol. 2 for the progression of Jason and Artemis' bond. She loss someone and Jason "lost" Tim. (*3) )
On their way to Qurac, the place he died, Jason has this curious thought:
Jason Todd: It's her story. Artemis. One of the few people in the world who could get me to return to this place... Not that she needs to know that right now.
Now all of these moments from him could have been platonic. With Jason teasing her in the first to see what she'd say (or being drunk) and just wanting to help a friend in need. Jason doesn't want to be in Qurac, he only went there before to save Roy Harper. Which could mean he sees his friends at the same level of importance. Of course he's also known Roy since he was Robin and he hasn't known Artemis all that long in comparison yet he's willing to risk his mental health for her. Still nothing really solid here to say one way or another as Jason is the self sacrificing type. He probably thinks it would be selfish of him to explain his own past when she was suffering.
The art Soy has shows Jason wanting to reach out to comfort Artemis on the way there. She previously shook off his hand when Jason tried to reason with her during their fight with Black Mask and was pretty harsh about him touching her. In #9 he even reaches out to comfort her but never actually does. He does touch her shoulder during her confrontation with Akila and let's her know that death does change someone. By the end of the arc that issue between them is completely gone. In fact Artemis is the one who initiates contact again.

This could be something Soy decided to do as Lobdell has been noted as giving the artists he works with a lot of freedom. The dialogue doesn't match up for a romantic moment and it's a little early for it after Akila died...for the second time. I think it's been implied that Akila and Artemis haven't been a couple for awhile. The duty of the Shim'Tar drove them apart and Artemis left the Bana-Mighdall.
She returned when Akila was driven mad by the Bow then Akila died. When Akila returns Artemis is overjoyed but she doesn't entirely trust her. Even still a little more time should pass before Artemis moves onto anyone. It wouldn't feel right overwise. Not at the end of that very arc although I suppose it could also be a hint of things to come.
(BTW this isn't based on my gut reaction when I first read the Annual but when I gave it more thought.)
Jason attempts to hang out with Dick simply because he wants to and Artemis instantly seems to be attracted to Dick...which is strange. This might be a joke about Dick attracting red heads. It might be Lobdell's way of screwing with the shippers. Personally I see it as Artemis straight up messing with Jason. Whether or not it's for platonic reasons is unclear. Maybe she's curious if Jason really does have a thing for her and/or wants to see how he reacts. Maybe she doesn't want Jason to focus so much on the mission that he ignores the reason he brought Dick in so she draws more attention onto Dick.
Jason takes no note of her greeting or the fact she gets up to brush her hair. He does notice Artemis putting on lipstick, Dick doesn't as he's talking to Jason but even Bizarro seems puzzled by this. Which suggests that Artemis doesn't bother with lipstick around them. It's quickly forgotten when Jason tries to get Dick to agree to help and Artemis finally tells them to grow up. Dick asks about her being so forward and Jason admits she always is. Which makes her lack of actual move on Dick highly suspicious if she's really that interested.
That could also be a way of saying Dick and Artemis are "breaking bread" to know what's going on with Jason and letting him know that it's okay. Artemis is curious about his past since she revealed hers to him and Dick is the fastest way to get the information. Dick wants to know about the friends Jason hangs out with especially since he probably knows little about them.
Artemis is smiling when Jason and Dick have this exchange. Whether it's because she enjoys embarrassing him and/or seeing him get jealous is up in the air. I find it curious from an artistic perspective that Kirkham has another panel focusing in on Artemis' lips. It tells a story of its own.
Dick asks if Artemis and Jason are together which made me realize Dick has never met any love interest Jason's had. It's part of Jason's life none of the family has been privy to. As a big brother Dick has never prepared Jason to date anyone. It also made me realize that despite Artemis acting "obvious" Dick thinks Jason is the more likely choice than actual interest in himself. He flat out asks her if she's in fact together with Jason.
Artemis gives a curious answer questioning Jason with anyone much less herself. It sounds mean but I wonder how she can say this when she hasn't known him for a long time. Later on Beast is surprised at how well they work together even though they haven't been together long. Jason mentions making a promise to Batman a month ago but they'd be a team less than a month based on Bizarro and Artemis being in cells for awhile. Does she just see Jason as really closed off? Artemis and Dick both seem to have sad looks during this exchange.
Instead of either of them learning more about each other she asks about Jason and Dick's relationship noting they weren't "always this way." She encourages Dick to try to mend things with Jason after mentioning a "falling out" with her sister. It's obvious she wants the guys on better terms.
When their headed towards Beast Artemis questions why Jason can't say Dick is amazing. This could be her way of making him address his issues with Dick but Jason thinks she's projecting her romantic thoughts. Artemis asks what he means and there's no way she can't know at this stage. Later on she looks sad and asks if Dick left without saying goodbye. Jason finally directly addresses the behavior by referring to Dick as her "boyfriend." I don't know if he caught onto the game but she denies it with a wide smile which is a different reaction from her less straight forward answer to Dick's question. Again it seems odd that such a forward person would act like she did and then say the idea was funny. So yes, I fully believe she was trolling Jason.
The postures Soy draws with Artemis and Jason, as well as their expressions have given some the impression that their interested in each other. Kori and Jason didn't have the same body language even though she kissed him twice. (*4)
It should be noted that these tender moments happen when their comforting each other. Someone complained on Scott Lobdell's Twitter account that he supposedly romanticized their relationship. He noted that was the posters' interpretation of two friends grieving over the third.
At the same time Artemis and Jason are touching a lot more and talking about their feelings. That's not a small feat as she previously mocked him for having a lonely childhood when he merely hinted at it. Artemis reveals she only let three people into her heart in her entire life then names Akila and Bizarro as two of them. He feels bold enough to joke that he's the third and she's not harsh like she usually is. The way they stare at each other has also been mentioned by others.
I don't think there's really enough evidence to say their interested. I could totally see Lobdell messing with the readers or even testing the waters. So thus far I'm not sold on this happening as Lobdell wasn't aboard with the idea to begin with.
*1 Artemis tells Jason that Akila was her friend but Akila calls Artemis her love more than once. Jason also tells Akila it's clear that Artemis loves her.
*2 I'm still not sure if he was as the level of drunkenness changes in a matter of pages. He can't recall what Themyscira is called at one point then gives a precise summary of the standard "love one dies over power and you feel you're to blame" plot. He might have acted like he was drunk to help Artemis feel more at ease.
*3 Tim's "death" isn't mentioned but it makes the most sense, in my opinion, that he'd feel compelled to try to work things out with Dick due to his loss.
*4 Neither of these times were romantic. Both confused Jason, the first was to absorb information after misunderstanding his meaning and the second was to show her support when she was told Jason was feeling lonely. And yes I know their different artists but body language is important to art.
Pretty good analysis on their current dynamics, although you missed the bit on issue 13 where Jason ribs on Artemis and their growing relationship by saying that Bizarro's stubbornes comes from Artemis' side of the family and the bit on issue 12's opening scene where Ma Gunn tells them to do "their thing" outside to both Jason and Artemis' bafflement.
ReplyDeletePersonally I think that Jason is outright crushing on Artemis while the situation is more ambiguous from her side but with a noticeable soft spot for Jason that only keeps deepening as time goes on.
I also thought the annual happened after issue 8 for the same reasons you do but after reading the book a third time, I noticed that Artemis summon the Bow of Ra during the fight against the Beast (is on the background so is easily missed) and thus, it sets on stone the annual events happening after issue 11. Since Lobdell has always been able to maintain a consistent narrative flow, I'm completely baffled at this sudden slip up.
I was going to post pictures for some of this but they wouldn't show up. Plus I think that moment is more about their relationship with Bizarro than each other since they'd be his "parents" regardless. I didn't see "their thing" as a shipping moment since Gunn just has no time for them arguing.
ReplyDeleteOut of the two of them I could buy Jason having a crush. Whether or not I believe Lobdell goes there is another matter. Agreed, Artemis is allowing more physical touches when she previously got pissed. Her curiosity with his backstory shows she does care about him.
It could be an artist mistake but my first thought was it takes place sometime after Bizarro loses his intelligence and DC didn't want to ruin it.
I wish they fleshed out their relationship a little more... I feel like we are constantly guessing and second-guessing what kind of path Jason and Artemis' relationship is going down, almost as though the creators are characterising the two as not even knowing themselves. It would be nice to know what is going on in their heads because that was Jason and Artemis are portrayed as even deeper characters. At the moment they just seem confused and this gets reflected on the readers who also feel a little confused.
ReplyDeleteI think they have HUGE potential for creating a unique relationship dynamic that is unheard of in much of western media and I think Lobdell should really take that opportunity. Jason and Artemis are really cool characters with unique history, personality, etc and there's so much you can do with them...
I was going to do another one of these at some point but here's how I see it. Jason is attracted to Artemis, he acts jealous when Dick is around, agreed to the date and has more physical contact than he usually does with her. Jason has even been brutally honest about himself by admitting he has little dating experience.
ReplyDeleteI think Artemis is attracted to Jason too otherwise she would have told him flat out that she wasn't interested. She's done it before. I don't see Artemis teasing him simply for her own amusement. When he asked her if the date as totally bogus she said mostly implying she does have some interest in him.
Whether Lobdell will go there? There might be other factors against it like the concerns that the man she killed might have been Willis Todd. Artemis hasn't been as open as Jason has been. She carefully worded how she refers to Lex Luthor and kept her ties to him a secret. I could totally buy Artemis feeling unsure about pursuing more with Jason because of her past.
I didn't want to like the pairing since Lobdell seemed against it but they have tons of potential. I don't think I've seen Jason so into someone before nor Artemis being this playful.