Sunday, June 17, 2012

Happy Fathers' Day

Rip remembered to call his dad.



Don't diss Rips' dad Hal or you'll die before you were born. Yeah Rip knows your forcefield is the only think keeping him alive. He'll still mess you up Green Lantern or not. I think you realized that too.


  1. I really did like the whole Time Jaunt thingie with Superman, Hal, Booster and Rip...mainly for Booster and Rip, and for Hal making a flaming ass of himself.

    So much fun!

  2. Hal making an ass of himself over Booster was worth it for this page alone. I love how the usually cool and collected Rip Hunter finally has enough of Booster being disrespected. It's really a unstated moment but it's wonderful to see.
