Monday, November 13, 2017

RE: the comments for RHATO #15 review

Hey MagpieM, just in case you didn't read the replies, I'll respond to the rest of your comment after I read the issue. It still hasn't come in so I'm avoiding anything that mentions 16 the best I can until then.


  1. Oh hi! No worries! I actually figured it out that you probably haven't read #16 yet. I just commented something random about Ma Gunn. Northing very special. You take comments very seriously! I really appreciate it and I enjoy reading your blog! Take your time and no rush.

    1. It has to do with a past incident not just spoilers in general. I heard so much about this comic everyone was talking about before it came out. Then I couldn't even enjoy the comic it's self since my perception was already colored. Thanks ! Always fun to talk to other RHATO readers !
