Thursday, June 14, 2018

Is Willis Todd a good or bad dad?

I brought up how Willis was previously written here. Does it mesh with the Willis we see in the letters?

I think it's likely a mixture of the two. The first take of him was told by Jason (in #o)  and as I've stated he's something of a unreliable narrator. Not because he's purposely misleading the audience but he talks about things he couldn't possibly know. Things he might have heard from biased people like Willis supposedly hitting on a receptionist while he was being born. Which always felt off to me anyway because his parents were teens in that story and I doubt anyone much less a teen Willis could seduce someone in that situation.

I'm unsure if Willis hurt Jason physically at this point since Jason doesn't indicate (at least that I recall) being abused by him directly. Jason does mention sleeping with bruises but that statement was never clarified. Still Jason does mention some troublesome things about Willis. Mainly fearing for their lives in case Willis made good on his threats about getting rid of his "two mistakes" and apparently beating up Catherine for wasting money on cigarettes.

It's true that Lobdell could have retconned these things and honestly I wouldn't mind if he did. However he has written things that can explain this behavior. I'm not saying it excuses Willis' actions, just that it explains them better. Jason talks about his dad coming home drunk and helping get him to bed to sleep it off. It seems like this happened often enough meaning Willis wouldn't always be in the right state of mind. "Mistakes" is harsh but it speaks of resentment. Things some people try to bury but can come up when their drunk. 

We just learned Jason was sick to the point Willis needed to become a henchman in order to pay his medical bills. He claims they don't know who's to blame for their son's illness. Unfortunately a lot of the time laying the blame comes into play when a child is sick. We've never heard what they argued about when Jason was under the table but we've seen this image three times now. It looks like two people screaming at each other. 

Willis decides to work for dangerous people, gets drunk and loses it when Catherine waste money on cigarettes. If I had to guess I'd think the combo of the stress, drunkenness and resentment of her vices (which may of made Jason sick in the first place) made him snap. This might have even have devolved into an unhealthy habit for both of them. If the set up with Artemis isn't a mislead he's already confessed to being a bad dad and worse husband.

Another important factor is that by Willis' own admission he's never really talked to Jason. This is the first time he gets any of this information. If you know someone and there isn't an open communication you tend to judge them solely by their actions. Jason already does this with Bruce and the rest of his adopted family.

I personally thought the previous version of Willis Todd that we saw from Jason's eyes lacked depth. I seriously doubt that Lobdell will make Willis a saint. In the end no matter how Lobdell writes Willis Todd the important part of this issue was the impact on Jason. He doesn't just blindly accept it, he struggles with it and tries to pretend he doesn't care. Because he just learned he had a chance to have a real relationship with his dad and it was taken from him. Literally everything in his life would have been different if his dad had come back. 


  1. I think the truth is in between. The way I see it, both issue 0 and issue 23 should be considered companion issues, roughly telling us the same story but from different points of view. The discrepancies between both even fit since they would tell the story as they see it.

  2. I figured, which is why I'm confused at the talk about Lobdell backpedaling.
