Tuesday, February 21, 2012

Ted Kord might be alive

Didio and others haven't commented on questions about Kords' company appearing in DCnU prompting many to question if Teds' alive. If he is doesn't that take away from Booster series? Was he ever Blue Beetle? Was he ever friends with Booster?


  1. Honestly? I've been unsure about his return. Maybe because I want Booster to grow on his own or maybe I just hated Giffin/DeMatteis' last take on the character.

  2. I don't trust anything Didio says, but I really think the groundswell for Ted is too strong to be denied. He'll be back, eventually. DC simply cannot keep their hands off any property that might have ANY merchandising value, and that includes Ted Kord. We just have to be patient.

  3. I don't think he stated one way or the other. This was just fan speculation. I'm not sure I want to see a relaunch of Ted Kord especially if his history is gone.
