Saturday, November 19, 2016

Have you ever...

...wanted to talk about something or at least see how others react to it but you have to wait awhile? It's wonderful and horrible at the same time. I now understand how my sister feels when she introduces me to one of her shows.


  1. The worst part is when they finaly start seeing "that" show but they are so far behind that you feel that it will be forever before you can tell or that is not even going to make sense when they are finaly caught up. -_-U

  2. In the case of a show I was given recently I already know a lot of the things that are going to happen. But in regards to what I'm talking about it's a little different.

  3. Like your theory of the current Red Hood?, I suspect that I know what that is but then I think that maybe I'm seeing something else or that it is a misdiretion, I'm confused @_@

  4. Yeah. I'm more sure of it now because there has been a ton of clues. If it doesn't happen it won't make sense to me. I don't want to spoil it but I will say there's a misdirection that no one would realize is a misdirection. If you picked up on the clues you probably know what it is. There are literally clues in every issue.

    Piecing them together explains things and this would be a huge game changer.
