Tuesday, July 31, 2012

Winick talks about writing JLI again

It's nice to see he has good memories writing JLI in JLGL. Much as I like Jurgens I kind of wish Winick wrote the JLI from that book. Gavril might not be dead and Jaime would still be buds with Booster.


  1. Yeah... but Ice would still be a ret-conned gypsy who killed her own father and suppressed the memory.

  2. We could handwave by blaming it on Max & implanted memories. And even with this retcon, I would still prefer a GL-JLI instead of the Nu-Jli

  3. I ignore that bit and like Anon says I see that as more of a Max thing. I'm not even sure Max knows Booster now.

  4. Sorry, Anon = Morgenstern
